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  1. H

    GT4 has some serious competition.

    :werd: xbox shyts on PS2 in everyway... xbox>ps2 PS2 games > xbox games, has the top few games through EDIT: and im not being biased, i own PS2 and not xbox...
  2. H

    Mens Best Friend

  3. H

    Cya Guys!

    listen, dont whipe your ass and u'll be fine
  4. H

    What was your first car

    94 integra LS...lasted 8 months till some blind ass, ESL, cock smoking asian guy decided just to turn at me on the turnpike
  5. H

    ipod in car

    Belkin Tunecast FM transmitter....$30. But i dont care about anything unique and "cool", i just want the job done
  6. H

    92 hatch with h22 fs

    nope not the cx vx dx..hell they dont even have a tach
  7. H

    8.9 earth quake

    yea cuz swedish people fuckin migrate there in winter
  8. H

    Hungover like a Mo' Fo'

    ur tellin me....snuck into a rich mother fuckers penthouse top floor/roof and drank crystal all night in NYC...then went to this girls apart with single and thee most hottest and horny for the fuckin ages right our of a movie.....and did i mention those bitches were horny as hell :P
  9. H

    8.9 earth quake

    holy fuck me in the ass......that shyt was worse than i thought
  10. H

    For all you audio experts

    with that mess just take it to a shop and have them do it, trust me
  11. H

    8.9 earth quake

    b4 the tidal wave, the water drew back like 100 yrds...those dumass went out there to go see wtf or go "play", didnt they know they water was going to come back, and come back fast.. thank god US has a warning system that gives us hours notice if a tidal wave is coming with exact time...
  12. H

    8.9 earth quake

    ok the chain reaction of 50k down is going to fuck ALOT of shyt up
  13. H

    high school memories?

    no doubt... for me it was being selected 2nd team all-american and 1st team all-state then winning State championship for lax all in same get a full ride to Rutgers (which i chose over VA ) to play, wish my knee would of came with me :( ahhh glory days....
  14. H

    8.9 earth quake

    also where the earthqauke happened, the plates pushed so hard together it formed a small underwater mountain
  15. H

    So it snowed....

    ok, every SUV driving mom sucks at driving, exeptions
  16. H

    8.9 earth quake

    22k now and counting and they up'd to 9.0 that one that was 6. sumthing fucked up LA bad, this would of whiped LA off the map... every .1 on the scale is 10 times stronger than the last .... just imagine LA's 6.x compared to this 9.0 is the prince of thailand(?) still missing?
  17. H

    Letterman Tapes Christmas Eve Show in Iraq

    Stern is funnier than Leno.hands down
  18. H

    be carteful buying a car from RI

  19. H

    Lock your door when watching porn *mild WW*

    yes...but only 20% at most admit to even doing it once
  20. H

    Letterman Tapes Christmas Eve Show in Iraq

    Fuckin Leno H.Stern pwns Leno just about every morning lol
  21. Try your Search on Google
