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  • Users: Doc_G
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  1. Doc_G

    lol. best car ev4r

    Im not even gonna get into the big ass wing, or the elevendy billion lights in the front.... my question is did the passenger door catch fire or somthing? I just sorta glossed over the exterior, maybe my colorblindness is kicking in but is that car pink? Only thing I saw that was even remotely...
  2. Doc_G

    Tx. Howdy from Birmingham AL

    No unfortunately when I started my engine swap it was before I discovered the joys of forum boards. I did most of it by trial and error and after the engine and tranny nightmare was over I found a ranger forums where I got the idea to french in the power antenna and shave the emblems and door...
  3. Doc_G

    Tx. Howdy from Birmingham AL

    yeah my last project was a 302'd 1993 ford ranger single cab.... talk about a pain in the ass.... I got around to shaving the emblems, door handles and frenching in a power antenna when it was stolen and wrapped around a light pole cause the moron who stole it couldnt handle the hp in such a...
  4. Doc_G

    Tx. Howdy from Birmingham AL

    Nah.. I have respect for any car that can make horse power and respond well to mods. The only ones I make fun of are the local ricers who put shit loads of stickers, altezza tails, and a fart cannon on their moms old honda and rev at my mustang as i slowly creep down the street. Dont get me...
  5. Doc_G

    Tx. Howdy from Birmingham AL

    Ahhhh ok thats cool... thought it might be a newbie thing. Been on boards that are like that. Thanks for the welcome folks, TBH I expected some flaming for signing up for a honda site considering I own a mustang. Just might have to hang around a bit here and get to know some folks.:cool...
  6. Doc_G

    Tx. Howdy from Birmingham AL

    well... I came, I lurked, and on the general welcoming attitude of the board decided to sign up. I dont have a honda (well I do but its a mower) and I don't own a FWD vehicle. Not that I dont like them, but I've got my hands full w/my current project which is swapping a roots style...
  7. Try your Search on Google
