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  • Users: 94RedSiGal
  • Content: Threads
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  1. 9

    I saw this on I-90 in Massachusetts yesterday!!

    So I was returning home from Texas yesterday morning and was stuck in rush hour traffic on the Mass Pike aka I-90, when I turned my head and noticed a bright orange-red Honda 600 two lanes to the right of me. Naturally I moved over to take a closer look at it. No camera with me, but it looked...
  2. 9

    Fried Twinkies, Snickers & Oreo Cookies?

    I was floored reading this article about what snacks were sold at the Texas State Fair this year... I wonder how many billions of calories will be served at this year's event? I know that some of the NE crew went to the Big E in Springfield, MA a week ago. How were the food stand there...
  3. 9

    This Saturday's field trip...

    Tomorrow, Chris and I are going to poke around the Rte. 128 Used Car Parts salvage yard in Waltham. We're going to get some parts for his 'rage. I think wearing black jeans and a dark t-shirt would be wise move. lol. :lol: They've got a red EG hatch on the lot, but it's pretty well...
  4. 9

    No more crazy Italian drivers...

    And they were far worse than Boston drivers too. lol. B) Manic Drivers Discover the Slow Lane Sep 25, 10:51 am ET ROME (Reuters) - Driving at crazy speeds with screeching tires and blaring horns may be a national sport in Italy, but new license rules mean manic drivers may soon become...
  5. 9

    CT Autocross Events 9/27-28

    FCSCC Event Saturday 9/27 Waterbury CART Event Sunday 9/28 Bristol So who's going? One or both(hardcore level ;) )? <------- Can't. Too much to do before my roadtrip. :(
  6. 9

    Happy Birthday Sirmilton!

    :bday: :beer: <----- Filled with Blue Moon.
  7. 9

    Quiet day in here...

    Two days in a row of fabulous sunny weather will do that. And of course, some of you were hard at work. Hey! So in a few weeks, I will be hanging out at one of these pubs for two nights. Hehe. Two car forum groups to get together with... so pick me out some beer to drink! The selection...
  8. 9

    Couple Kept 244 Dogs and 16 Birds at Home

    :eek: So what pets you do have at home? I only a two cats and one dog. I'll post up some pictures of my children later on.
  9. 9

    As we see it, the deal with chicks....

    I think that this is a very funny take on women... Possible work warning on this link!! So have fun reading it guys... :P
  10. 9

    Otanjoubiomedetougozaimasu Kaori!!!!

    Otanjobi omedito gosaimas Kaori-chan!! :D Kanpai!! :beer:
  11. Try your Search on Google
