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  1. Capt. Orygun

    Obama wants tax payers to pay for stundent loans

    As with your "million dollar doctor" hypothetical, you continue to paint in alarmist's color's here. There are already metrics for how much debt you should have compared to your anticipated income, and it isn't based on living in Detroit. Some say you should never have more than twice your...
  2. Capt. Orygun

    Obama wants tax payers to pay for stundent loans

    Also: the real long term solution here is to make all student loans dischargeable. There is no reason why students should be denied forgiveness where homes-owners and car buyers are not. It will also put pressure on those who issue loans to more closely examine the ability of students to pay off...
  3. Capt. Orygun

    Obama wants tax payers to pay for stundent loans

    Not everything has doubled, real wages and even stated wages have not tracked the increases you have pointed to. As I alluded to with the 1/3rd drop in law school applications above, child students and breadwinners returning to the classroom alike were led to believe that all these student loans...
  4. Capt. Orygun

    Obama wants tax payers to pay for stundent loans

    And BigJ has a great point: you have to pay taxes on anything that is forgiven. Also, OP's representation is a bit dishonest. The deal is forgiveness after 20 years IF you pay 10% of your income during that time.
  5. Capt. Orygun

    Obama wants tax payers to pay for stundent loans

    Frankly we had to do something. Student loans are quickly becoming the next bubble (see massive and growing student loan default rates). People went back to school, relying on representations made by politicians and universities that a degree meant returning to work when it did not necessarily...
  6. Capt. Orygun

    Raising minimum wage

    I'm not an economist, so I can't speak to a magical dollar amount or a percentage. While I am usually a free market-leaning guy, you have to view everything in context. Viewing the current minimum wage in context, realizing that the minimum wage is actually 16% lower than it was under Reagan, I...
  7. Capt. Orygun

    Giants are real

    Fake, and most of these spring from religious people who believe that giants once existed because its in the bible. Giant Human Skeleton Found in Saudi Arabia
  8. Capt. Orygun

    What's your laptop?

    This thing is cased in metal. It survived a 4 ft drop test in reviews.
  9. Capt. Orygun

    What's your laptop?

    Starting this thread because I'm curious to hear what people use. This is probably the coolest piece of tech I've bought in years. I use it for everything. Review Microsoft Surface Pro 2 Tablet - Reviews the mouse even has a start button.
  10. Capt. Orygun

    Xmas gifts 2013--so what did you get

    It's a blast. It plays a lot like guitar hero. The game comes with a patchcord-to-USB cable and it plugs right into the machine. You use the controller to navigate the menu. The thing is it's not a game, it is educational software. There are a ton of lessons (chords 101, 102, 201, etc...
  11. Capt. Orygun

    Xmas gifts 2013--so what did you get

    *Keurig Brewer *New coffee pot/grinder A7X's self entitled 07 release World War Z Board Game an ESP electric guitar Rocksmith 2014 (don't laugh, the last time I owned an electric was 1999) Bluetooth mouse for my Surface Bundle O' guitar goodies (strap, picks, etc) Ducks Jersey Cold weather...
  12. Capt. Orygun

    Duck Dynasty suspends Phil after GQ interview

    Homosexuals "invent ways of doing evil" 'Duck Dynasty' Star Phil Robertson's Extremely Homophobic Sermon Video Surfaces Online - YouTube
  13. Capt. Orygun

    Duck Dynasty suspends Phil after GQ interview

    Its true, but earlier in the article he says gays don't go to heaven. So while those words are nice, he's still judging others.
  14. Capt. Orygun

    Duck Dynasty suspends Phil after GQ interview

    That moment, when you realize conservatives are arguing that their religion creates government entitlements... Yes he does have the right to say that. Did you notice he wasn't arrested, that the article wasn't censored, that the magazine wasn't made illegal? All he had was his right to say...
  15. Capt. Orygun

    Man would rather die than shop with girlfriend... and proves it

    we've all been there... Chinese boyfriend jumped to his death after girlfriend insisted on going into another clothes shop | Mail Online
  16. Capt. Orygun

    Nelson Mandela dead at 95

    Mandela achieved great success through peaceful revolution. Those who would demonize him for being militant in his youth need to ask themselves how they would react if they woke up one morning and learned their government had taken their rights. I would imagine there would be many "Mandelas"...
  17. Capt. Orygun

    rip Paul Walker

  18. Capt. Orygun

    Breaking Bad

    Now that it is all said and done, Breaking Bad > Dexter. Five seasons and they never jumped the shark.
  19. Capt. Orygun

    Breaking Bad

    My guess: Walter kills the white supremacists with the 60, Jesse escapes in the chaos, circles around and kills Walt after the fight ends. Jesse searches Walt, finds the ricin, realizes Walt never used ricin on the boy. In a despair fueled rage, Jesse takes the ricin in his final act of self...
  20. Capt. Orygun

    What do you know about Boulder, Colorado? Thinking about moving there..

    Things have been crazy here, almost 2000 homes damaged. Tons of evacuees, roads washed out, it's crazy. They say it's a 100 year flood, but you have to understand what that means: 100 year floods in this area traditionally combine rain with rapid snow run-off. This is September, the...
  21. Try your Search on Google
