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    Wait, What?

  2. T

    Wait, What?

    Oh ok. How come his last visit was the only one that was lost though?
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    Wait, What?

    I got bored and I found this. Someone explain, please?
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    trash guy

    ahh... smart move...
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    trash guy

    did you steal a wheel off the tricycle that belongs to the neighborhood kid?
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    Comment by 'TT01Fanatic' in media 'Phyre's Rex'

    Love the wheels. Those can't be TE-37's but they look so similar?
  7. T

    a WTF was they thinking ??? CRX

    I cried a little when I saw this.
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    How do you like this Nissan.

    I saw a GTR drive down the street in San Jose on Thursday. HELLA nice, I've been scouring the neighborhood to find it, though
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    STOLEN: 1998 honda civic

    fuckers. i wish you the best man, hope you pull through this.
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    Road to redemption

    i don't think it is ACTUAL community service, i think it said that it was extra stuff he was gonna do at the very beginning...
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    finally a trailer!! transformers2

    man, it's steven speilburg, what ca you expect?
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    brought the Ti in for service

    AH! You have a Ti too! What year?
  13. T


    i can do some. Basically, the only stuff I've done is when I'm just joking around. So basically, putting Britney Spears Face on other bodies for a funny result... :)
  14. T

    Wanna buy a REAL car ?

    30K for the S15?! Good Lord! If you want them REAL cheap, go over to Japan, you can find people who sell them for 10k, and that would be expensive. Then, however, you simply triple the price to have it shipped over, and voila! :P
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    Some Strange People Out There

    Oh my god. A man needs to do what he needs to do, but DAMN! That's just being desperate :lmao:
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    Soon I will kick as much ass as Chuck Norris

    :lolhammer: That shit looks OLD!
  17. T

    weird iphone apps

    if you turn it sideways, the iPhone touch pad becomes bigger and easier to type on. :) to bad it doesn't apply for email though.
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    89 Civic LX Windshield Wiper Fluid Line

    awesome, exactly what I need.
  19. T

    89 Civic LX Windshield Wiper Fluid Line

    :violin: any help 4 me? Or do I have to tear apart my car?
  20. Try your Search on Google
