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  • Users: Drake
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  1. Drake

    Woot Off

    that is all
  2. Drake

    Age of Empires III - Sweet Deal

    AoE III for .10 cents from Games for Windows. Just snagged me a copy. I love me some Age of Empires. Plus I never got around to playing III so this is even better. Age of Empires III - Games For Windows EDIT: This was a one time weekend deal only
  3. Drake

    Gift Ideas for your family Zombie

    lol Sears: Online department store featuring appliances, tools, fitness equipment and more
  4. Drake

    Flap them wings

    Pretty damn cool if you ask me. Human-powered aircraft makes aviation history by becoming the first to fly using flapping wings | Mail Online Video:
  5. Drake

    Happy Birthday 2000si

    2000Si (28) Almost the big three zero buddy! Hope its a good one.
  6. Drake

    Must have Android Apps

    Well the girlfriend picked up the Evo 4G this afternoon and I have a feeling next payday I will be dropping my WebOS powered Pre for an Evo myself. So I am wondering what apps you guys find the most useful on Android.
  7. Drake

    268mph Veyron debrief

    Pretty neat article on the driver of the Veyron 16.4 after he set the land speed record for production cars. 0-60 Magazine | Bugatti Veyron Supersports 16.4 Speed-Record Debrief
  8. Drake

    Firefox Beta 4 out

    download here: Firefox web browser | Help us test the latest beta I'll be downloading it this evening
  9. Drake

    Help IDing a Bike

    The girlfriend and I where headed to the bar last night and saw this bike. Not sure what kind it is though. My old man is pretty into bikes and he wasn't sure what it is exactly either. So I thought I would ping the collective.
  10. Drake

    Google Voice - Open to Public

    Title sums it up. So those of you who have been using it in beta has anyone found a good use for it? I have had mine and the only time I have really used it is when my phone has died and I have no way to charge it. Google Voice now open to the public -- Engadget
  11. Drake

    iPhone OS 4 Released

    iOS 4 now available for your iPhone 3G, 3GS, newer-generation iPod touches -- Engadget Let us know how it goes fellas.
  12. Drake

    What Game?

    Ive got 50 bones burnin a whole in my pocket from my birfday yesterday. What 360 game should I scoop up today?
  13. Drake

    Happy Birthday eg6sir

    Happy womb liberation day buddy.
  14. Drake

    Happy Birthday B

  15. Drake

    Palm purchased by...

    HP of all companies. HP buys Palm -- Engadget Now this could go well, borderline very well or it could end in complete disaster. I have a feeling that HP bought Palm for its portfolio and nothing more. WebOS will probably die a swift and violent death. Its a pretty sad day when one of the...
  16. Drake

    Halo Reach

    Well kids the Beta starts Monday! Who is getting in on that sweet action? I bought a copy of ODST at launch so I will be perusing it without a doubt. Also, last night I was watching Justified on FX (pretty cool show btw) and I saw Bungie's Birth of a Spartan commercial for the first time. I must...
  17. Drake

    iPhone OS 4 Event

    Live from Apple's iPhone OS 4 event! -- Engadget Engadget is live blogging it for anyone interested.
  18. Drake

    360 Update Apr. 6th

    Includes support for USB storage. I think its going to start rolling out at midnight. USB Memory Support for the Xbox 360 coming April 6th - Xbox Live's Major Nelson
  19. Drake

    Zune HD Firmware Update

    As the title states. The new firmware update is out. Expanded codec pack and improved smart DJ. But chances are, I am the only person here who has a Zune HD :(
  20. Drake

    Xbox 360 Deals

    I think I am going to start a thread for any and all deals I or anyone else comes across for the 360. To start things off we have BC:2 for 46 bucks on Amazon. Battlefield Bad Company 2:Amazon:Video Games
  21. Try your Search on Google
