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  1. CorysHBB2

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    unfortunatley vietnam is a ~$15 add on to bfbc2 so to play you have to pay. unless that is you have friend who deosnt mind you playing on thier profile. and i couldnt agree more about pickup games. if im not playin with my friends i set in the back with the barret .50 and go 20-0
  2. CorysHBB2

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    multiplayer. i honestly wasnt a fan of the BFBC2 campaign and on the release, i got alittle ahead of myself, it comes out tonight at midnight
  3. CorysHBB2

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    all other things aside i dont like the linear play of COD. for the most part BC has expancive sand box style maps that COD cant match
  4. CorysHBB2


    i would also be one of the 98% when i was in college i had a group of 3 guys i would always hang with and one had recently come back from iraq, Ed. the one time Ed talked about being over there my other 'friends' laughed cuz they thought that shit was hillarias. i wanted soo bad to bash thier...
  5. CorysHBB2

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    GSRCRXsi just so you know this was in no way aimed at you judging by the lack of responce i got to the thread and a few other BF comments i made i figured most people on here were die hard COD. I've played most of the CODs and had some fun times but nothing closes to BF and not enough to...
  6. CorysHBB2

    Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam

    unfortunately i dont either cuz i still dont have internet at home only 100 times better. did you see the graphics? did you see all the vehicles? can you completely blow down a building into a pile of rubel on COD? COD has always copied Battlefield and always been one step behind them...
  7. CorysHBB2

    How do you deal with people who offend you at work?

    on second thought, and as was pointed out, i guess you cant test for ignorance and or lack of common sense. some people just dont deserve the right drive
  8. CorysHBB2

    vid of the day/bodies hit the floor

    i cant stop watching it... i almsot pissed myself the first time
  9. CorysHBB2

    pic thread!!!

    ^_^ priceless pic ^_^ side note: i have the same ring... cf ftw :D
  10. CorysHBB2

    How do you deal with people who offend you at work?

    all the more reason drivers licenses should be more strictly monitored and harder to get. some people just should not be allowed to drive
  11. CorysHBB2

    How do you deal with people who offend you at work?

    :rofl: the methods of revenge in this thread are epic lol. on a more serius note though office politics and the plain old bs of working with alot of other people almost always sucks imo. good thing that bitch is all but gone :D
  12. CorysHBB2

    H23 With A H22 Vtec Head

    gotta add my 2 cents. the h23 with a h22 head is crap. to the best of my knowledge the h22 has extra oil squirters on the bottom end supporting the 7800 rpm redline, the h23 does not have these and stock has a 6500 rpm redline. therefore making the h23 block with h22 head unreliable at those...
  13. CorysHBB2

    98 accord swap j32 or h22 ?

    imo if you have the cash for the type S, do it. factory p&p higher comp and bigger cams. if you choose to build it later the type S cams and pistons still pull a decent price and would help fund the build. just my .02
  14. CorysHBB2

    Yeah, I'm gonna ask it.

    here in NE we dont have inspections either but if you buy a car out of state they have to run the vin... sort of an inspection
  15. CorysHBB2

    Melon bashed GIF

    i wondered if it would be, haven't been a member long enough, oh well :shrug2: thanks :D
  16. CorysHBB2

    Melon bashed GIF

    this bitch broke her face yet its endlessly entertaining :lmao: enjoy
  17. CorysHBB2

    Nebraska Peeps

    last try bump
  18. CorysHBB2

    Nebraska Peeps

    Holla :D but i doubt any active members are from 'round these parts' i have seen an older post from someone in Omaha
  19. CorysHBB2

    iphone failures

    :rimshot: fuck you photobucket and your "terms of use"
  20. CorysHBB2

    Winter Beater ' one yet

    didnt some of these come with the sr20ve, nissans version of vtec? before i got my prelude i looked into doing a ve swap in my 200sx. its a bad ass motor
  21. Try your Search on Google
