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  1. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Boy, as usual you are so far off. Lets start with definitions, Ayatollah is primarily used by Iranians to refer to religious scholars (note the plural). So an Ayatollah is not equivalent to Pope as there can be only one Pope however anyone that is very knowledgeable about Islamic...
  2. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Just a little tag, all but one of the Muslims I know here fit your classification of "moderate" and most of them were against the war before it started.
  3. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    So here's the thing, being "against the war in Iraq" is kinda pointless now. Now we must concentrate on how to fix what is broken so that the Iraqi's can have some semblance of self governance. I was against the war before it happened now I am for finding a real solution. Like I said earlier...
  4. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    So your definition of Moderate is "those that think like I do". I tend to think that moderate means willing to discuss things, debate issues, and not resort to force before attempting to talk about things. The Muslims I know (this is generally true for the non-Muslim Arabs and Iranians too)...
  5. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    So then why do you make these kind of statements lumping Muslims into a non-existent culture? You have your counter examples right in front of you. I never claimed to be the subject matter expert on Islam, only to know more than you and Celerity and I think that has been demonstrated.
  6. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    And another thing I keep asking and you keep avoiding it, where is this Muslim culture you talk about? There isn't one.
  7. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Same place that the moderate <insert your favorite religion here> are, not getting the headlines because they aren't sensational. I will ask you the same thing that I ask Steve, do you actually know a Muslim? Have you ever talked to one? Somehow I doubt it.
  8. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    Even if every Muslim that has been involved in fighting the United States thought this way it would still be statistically insignificant. The best you could draw from that is correlation.
  9. lsvtec

    NSFW Some of that good old Muslim culture we should respect and tolerate

    How many times do we have to go over this? This is the opinion of one Muslim. When are you two going to stop trying to use a small, statistically insignificant, sample to make conclusions about a multi-billion person group? The Qur'an says nothing about masturbation. The opinions of Islamic...
  10. lsvtec

    where can i....

    We don't support this kind of thing. What you do is up to you but keep it off the board.
  11. lsvtec

    GTR picture taken 2/7/07

    For real about Raton, I have been to that gas station. Not some place I would leave a nice ride without somebody looking over it.
  12. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Great question, go look for them. They are attributed to the Caliphate, to hadith (supposed saying or action of Mohammad), and various other sources outside the Qur'an. The Caliphate were the rulers of the "Muslim" empire that was formed after the death of Mohammad, many people that opposed...
  13. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Let's try this again, the Taliban and al Qaeda are both Wahabi groups. They claim these things that you list. The Qur'an is the basis of Islam it does not claim the things that you list. Therefore, the things that you list are not Islam, rather something the Wahabis have added to fit their...
  14. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    And both of those groups are listed as Wahabi groups (not just by me). So what is your point?
  15. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    But it is, it judges a person based on a group to which they belong and then determines if these rules they have apply to that person. This is pretty close to what al Qaeda does. "The US is not a "Muslim" nation so they deserve to die" is pretty close to "Those people from Africa aren't white...
  16. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Neither of these are in the Qur'an either...
  17. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Notice I said, none match but that was the closest... It helps to read the entire post. We had a discussion once here about "Islamic Culture". There isn't one. You keep bringing Arab culture, or any other culture in and passing it off as Islamic Culture. Where is this Islamic Culture that...
  18. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    None match exactly but the KKK is very close. They believe that God's word makes the white "race" supreme and all others need to be subjugated.
  19. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    They do. Not sure if you can find an Muslims in AK :), but I am sure that if you asked one they would tell you that the beliefs of the Wahabis do not represent Islam or Muslims. The Wahabis get the press because the decapitate people, blow things up, fly planes into buildings, etc.
  20. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    I never claimed that it wasn't a problem. Or that it was more or less or the same problem as radical Christianity. Only that not all Islam is radical Islam.
  21. Try your Search on Google
