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  1. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    The Wahabis believe that those that are not Muslims do not get the protections built into the Qur'an. The Sunni and Shi'a believe that because the Qur'an was sent to human kind, the protections apply to all, including not being able to force belief.
  2. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    They are form a school of thought that does not believe that this holds for the non-Believers. Those that are Sunni or Shi'a believe that this verse applies to all, those that are Wahabi typically belief that you are justified in doing what ever you like to a non-believer.
  3. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    This is completely wrong. Muslims recognize the line of the prophets, starting with Adam, moving through Abraham (Ibrahim), Solomon (Solmon), Moses(Musa), Jesus(Isa), to Mohammad. There are more that are not explicitly listed. For instance some believe that the Buddha was a prophet. Try...
  4. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    You picked a site that cherry picks a few of the extreme views. The Qur'an does not mandate the Burka, no matter how many times you say so, it does not make it true. Women are required to "Cover their beauty", the definition of beauty is up to the individual woman. Surah 24 verse 31...
  5. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    What are you talking about??? How is this relevant to this discussion?
  6. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Where the hell did you get that? Oh, and nice "partisan politics" which you so often claim to hate...
  7. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Agreed, which is why I said that using one wrong to "justify" another is not a valid argument. My beef is where the docs came from (and why the US is so friendly with such an intolerant regime).
  8. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Yusuf Islam (or Cat Stevens or what ever you want to call him) converted in the 70's, not recently. Allah in Arabic literally translates to "The One True God". So subbing God for Allah does not change any meaning. There isn't a "single" school of thought on Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)...
  9. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Celerity offered one person's (a non-Muslim) experience with Islam so I offered a fairly well known Muslim's experience. Especially because he has said that he now thinks the Fatwa against Rushdie was wrong. I have to agree, I am no Qur'anic scholar but I don't think the Fatwa was justifiable...
  10. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Actually within Islam I would be considered pretty liberal too... The translations can vary a lot. There are translations out there that try and justify many very odd things. Make sure that (even if you can't read it) the original Arabic is printed beside the translation. There are...
  11. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Okay, when you have something useful to add you can come back to the big-kids table.
  12. lsvtec

    Ever consider actually talking to other members of Hondaswap?

    Cause we couldn't have everyone on at the same time... Wait... maybe that isn't such a bad thing.
  13. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Sure he is one opinion, so what? You should read what Yusuf Islam has to say. klyph, here is the best I can offer you right now. From the Yusuf Ali translation in the second Surah verse 62: I am not sure who the Sabians are, the same Surah mentions the Magians and I don't know who they are...
  14. lsvtec

    Computer is being shipped

    Even better.
  15. lsvtec

    Ever consider actually talking to other members of Hondaswap?

    Who is going to host the ventrillo server?
  16. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    Sure, there are several good translations (though non compare to learning Qur'anic Arabic though I don't have the time :) ). One of the best I have found is Yusuf Ali because he explains the logic he uses for a specific translation. His commentary helps me understand verses that do not...
  17. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    When I get home from work I will find you the verses you request.
  18. lsvtec

    Political:Muslims: Hate in schools ? Nooo .. silly.

    I am not going to argue that these books are hateful, what I will say is that one should really look at the source. The King Fahd library in Saudi Arabia (supposedly our close ally in the war on Terror). This country gave the world Wahabis and gave the Wahabis guns and money. The Saudi...
  19. lsvtec

    Computer is being shipped

    That sucks. At least newegg is pretty good with their returns policy.
  20. lsvtec

    kfederowned :P

    I love it, he talks as if he has any clue what it is like to work for a living. I guess suing your pop-star ex is work...
  21. Try your Search on Google
