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    Official State of the Union Thread

    This is what bothered me about last night's speech... Afghanistan - check Iraq - Check Syria - next? Iran - better watch out! North Korea - play along or else... Bush is a lame duck prez in the first month of his second term. He basically has two years before he looses all political clout...
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    The Right does it again!

    I agree with you. 100%. However, what started this thread was introducing the subject of sam sex couples very innocently in a television show marketed toward children. I can understand why that can be viewed as a problem and attempted to explain the reasons. It ballooned from there into a...
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    The Right does it again!

    that's making my point, thank you. Just because someone believes what they are doing is right, doesn't mean that it is. As for the same sex argument, I'll just leave that one alone.
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    Weird Site (WORK WARNING)

    I don't care if its a repost.. this video is some funny shit i-net vs real life
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    The Right does it again!

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    The Right does it again!

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    i tried searchin' but I can't find any help...

    so I should "just say no" to boost? Fine for now. If I want to boost I'll build up he B18 block.
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    where is my remote control?

    I saw it under the sofa cushion. I thought that's where you kept it so I left it there. No. No. No. The other one.
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    The Right does it again!

    "practical experience" raising someone else's kids is NOT being a parent. My attitude toward other adults on an internet message board is not shared with my children. Like most adults, I can separate the two. I do however, teach my children that when someone does something wrong for a good...
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    Freedom of what?

    -100 points, zero for the rest of the year. go Directly to the pricipal's office for double speak & hypocracy. "the only thing that should not be intolerance" then "You don't have to agree with or even like somebody else's point of view, but intolerance to it is not the correct...
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    Freedom of what?

    uuuggghhh!!!! okay, okay.. France 1 (a very late and truely inconsequential 1, but..) America 4? Tripoli, WWI, WWII, Vietnam. Okay, Vietnam is a stretch but you get my point. I hope. Thanks for being tolerant of my intolerance. It's refreshing.
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    The Right does it again!

    thanks for the offer but i decline. You mean queers aren't gay? It was meant to push your button. Glad to see it did. I've never lied to my children. I have deferred talking about a subject that I felt they were too young to discuss. Like the fact I've been arrested or that my wife was...
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    Since none of the liberals will...

    I bite back. the ones I'm guilty of... * You complain about the "liberal media" on any of the numerous conservative political TV/radio talk shows. * You believe the hole in the ozone layer to be a myth created by crazy liberals. * You think the words "feminist" and "lesbian" are synonyms...
  14. A

    Freedom of what? on the definition of "freedom". Read it. I think it answers your question. apathetic?!! ME?!!!! Are you serious?! Webster's: Apathy (Ap"a*thy) - 1. an absence of emotion or enthusiasm 2. the trait of lacking enthusiasm for or interest in things generally Have you read my posts on...
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    The Right does it again!

    since I doubt that you're a parent, I can't blame either of your attitudes. At your ages, I felt the same way. As a parent of three boys I have learned that I cannot be with them 100% of the time nor should I HAVE TO be. We strongly monitor the shows our children watch. Most programming on...
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    Since none of the liberals will...

    since this thread is no longer on topic anyway I thought I'd share this.... my personal favorites are in red You might be a Liberal if... You think that protestors outside nuclear power plants are dedicated activists, but protestors outside abortion clinics are dangerous zealots interfering...
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    chick i work with got in a bad accident

    if its any consulation... Our insured hit an 18 yr old head-on & it fx his pelvis. He was running an average of a 6 minute mile exactly 60 days later.. Now I'm not sure how fast he was BEFORE the wreck but as bad as it sounds, a fx pelvis can be mild.. his car looked worse than this one. his...
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    Another Iraqi Kidnapping??

    that reminds me of the Iraqi Minister of Information telling Al Jazera that the US forces were NOT in Bagdad and then a M1A1 tank goes rolling by in the background!! now that's pwned!
  19. Try your Search on Google
