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  • Users: Havok
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  1. H

    Quiz of the day

    Who needs money? Sling rocks.
  2. H

    toe cup

  3. H

    Xbox 360

    They don't. Just check back every Tuesday, or ask someone who knows when they are getting shipments in.
  4. H

    Pat Morita dies at age 73.

  5. H

    Xbox 360

    lol, good one. Quote of the week.
  6. H

    fishing sucks

    60k a year? I'll take that, but not if you live in Alaska, it's expensive as shit, the 1,500-2,000 check they give you a year basically pays for the extra cost of EVERYTHING you need to buy.
  7. H

    red handed

    :werd: Sentence structure and grammar > you.
  8. H

    FSU vs. Florida

    Anyone watching THE game today? <span style="font-size:36pt;line-height:100%"><span style="color:#CC0000">Go FSU! </span></span> I'm doing some pre-game tailgating in my driveway, Killians is the best! I'm an idiot, someonw move this to Member's Lounge.
  9. H

    Xbox 360

    I've heard of some hardware failure or something similar, but Microsoft is aware of the issue and having people come to your house to fix it. At this point, you can't take them back to the store and exchange them due to lack of supply.
  10. H

    Xbox 360

    Don't get me wrong, with enough money, a PC will ALWAYS be better and run smoother than a console. I myself prefer consoles, though, I'm not a hardcore PC gamer, I will always prefer consoles to PC's. To each their own, IMO it's just wierd playing sports games on a PC.
  11. H

    Xbox 360

    I bought 2 and MADE 400.00. How much did you spend on your PC? :)
  12. H

    Happy Thanksgiving

    :owned: by Celerity. I thought you were married, Steve?
  13. H

    Xbox 360

    :bs: on his part. Microsoft had to have known that people were going to go apeshit over this. The PSP didn't have this problem when they came out, and people were buying those like crazy.
  14. H

    I have no life...

    lmao! How are you 19 and able to buy beer?
  15. H

    NYC to New Orleans rally...

    So says the Neon owner. Micah, it would be stupid to drive up to NY, start the rally, and end up 8 hours from where we live now, lol. BTW, do you still live in Stone Harbor?
  16. H

    UPS is so slow

    Imagine the otherside of it--if I lived at an apartment, and someone took my exhaust after it said it was delivered, I would be livid, I think I would kill someone (which I might have done tonight, stay tuned for more) Everyone has horror stories with different people, IMO UPS is better than...
  17. H

    Xbox 360

    The prices are dropping already...The average price is still like 700-800, but that's a far cry from 1300-1400 they were 36 hours ago.
  18. H

    Digital cable options

    I have Comcast High Speed, and Digital Cable + HDTV, my bill runs about 120/mo. My rates seem to be cheaper than yours.
  19. H

    NYC to New Orleans rally...

    Trust me, you do NOT want to break down in GA or AL.
  20. H

    NYC to New Orleans rally...

    lol, that's awesome...Micah, let me buy your Del Sol for 250.00. Whose to say I don't buy a 30,000.00 dollar car and have the person I buy it from write it up as 250.00 to avoid paying taxes?
  21. Try your Search on Google
