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  1. D

    in honor of MLK day...

    b/c black ppl eat fried chicken y0... then again, everyone form the south, like myself, does to.
  2. D

    yes, Chevy- you're 2003 line up sucked.

    For 1, you had a fucking CRAPOLIER.. You had an economy car from chevy. A CHEAP car at that. Yeah, you had the z24, still a cheap fucking car, just like the beretta, corsica, lumina, They were made for white trash trailor park ppl who just needs to get by. Your mom needs to get out of a chevy...
  3. D

    no B, THIS is the convo of the night!

    i tried to get him to say it was you who gave him the sn....the bitch im's me in the middle of nowhere from ftj.. she must be ugly..wont show pics... bah!
  4. D

    you might be a minitrucker if...

    wtf what? do you not look anything up before you post stupid shit? Drop Em Wear is a tshirt company that makes tshirts for minitruckers with slogans on em.. like my avatar.
  5. D

    Dope rims...

    Adapter plates... the billet ones from billet specialties will hold up through it all. :P
  6. D

    Dope rims...

    i wish they made em in 20' plate em and roll them tucking up in an escallade.. i would!
  7. D

    you might be a minitrucker if...

    ...torn into and it was the same... wads of wires, shit just not done 100% I live by moto.. do it right the first time. and go big or go home *******PICS****** just sitting at show.. looking badass. this is how hte bed really looks.. i wondered why it was never open at shows. No, no one...
  8. D

    Ride of the Month

    another bagged truck? ... hmmmmm, there are so many designs that havent been done dude. You can do different bag mount designs, stick them in a different place, try to get a 3:1 setup so you get massive lift. All while trying to keep the pinion angle the same. When you bag an s10 on 20's, to lay...
  9. D

    Ride of the Month

    there is still new shit you can do to old skool s-10...but a civic.. EVERYTHING has been done besides freaky shit that i'm sure is in the process.. just not worth my cash.
  10. D

    Ride of the Month

    i personally am not on the hate honda bandwagon.. its just so common this site and then he wants to cut the submissions down for honda/acura's only.. that's stupid. The owner himself tells ppl not to get a honda.. yet cuts the submissions down... duuuuuuuuuuuuuh :P
  11. D

    you might be a minitrucker if...

    hmmm, 4 for the civ to run, 2 or so to lay the truck flat out on the frame, 20 for a house, 10 for a new car. 800 for a wedding.. i could swing that. You'll be living in the ghetto of san antonio for 20g's and driving a brand new neon for 10g's and getting married in vegas at one of those...
  12. D

    you might be a minitrucker if...

    Come to indy Mike.. you wont leave wihtout throwing sparks :-P
  13. D

    Ride of the Month

    its not crap... open your eyes.. i wouldnt be surprised if this is still here b/c it brings in enough money every month.
  14. D

    Ride of the Month

    You need to stfu you stupid ass n00b... you are the most ignorant fuck in the world. Do you not realize that 90% of this site, could careless about honda's. Does jeef ever post about doing something to his crx? no. Does Brian post? no, he was thinking about selling it. I dont even think sisteve...
  15. D

    Ride of the Month

    I know this is a honda site, but most of us, dont have honda's. B is all.. m3 this and that, nissan this and that. Fuck hondas this and that. I'm surprised you're not just changing it and letting it be an all site, seeing as most of the ppl on this site are sick of it and dont even own them...
  16. D

    you might be a minitrucker if...

    That is easy. Go pick up a mini-truckin and a lowrider magazine and you'll instantly know. Lowriders = most of the time use hydros that dont even have accumulators and you can tell they were ghetto rigged just to work, not ride great. What is cool in lowrider mag, was cool in minitruckin 13...
  17. D

    mazda 3

    B wanting something dropped? wow.. next he'll be calling me to install a 4 link and bags on a truck for him :P
  18. D

    you might be a minitrucker if...

    It is still like that. There is a bigger group of ppl who save for ever to do 1 thing to their truck, you just arent ever seeing them b/c big companies make show vehicles that get published. Or ppl in clubs like NC, Acrophobia, Pebble Pushers, Severed Ties and shit, they are such elite clubs...
  19. D

    Katie Holmes is getting hitched!

    Courtney Day is in a serious relationship, unless they broke up. Her bf/husband/whatever, posts on a board i'm on and talks to phildo a lot.
  20. D

    RIP College Football (for awhile)

    tell me how catching a ball and running till you're hit takes talent. You can be taught how to do that. You can also be taught how to build a car. But a lot of ppl dont learn it well or dont want to, hence why not everyone plays football or builds a car. I personally find it boring and i have...
  21. Try your Search on Google
