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  1. C

    mind game

    ok the password is if you want user: help pass: doom
  2. C

    mind game

    i havent go tthe password yet im suppose to have it today but the catch is the dresser on the side it has morse cod on it so if you can read it like it is cool but you might have to open it in photoshop and make the brightness more to read it i tried it and got helw and doom but that didnt work...
  3. C

    mind game

    if you want the answer her it is just change false to true in the web adress
  4. C

    mind game

    this will make you think
  5. C

    want to learn how to paint

    I need some sites on any thing about painting auto mobiles not houses. I'm wanting to see if maybe i could do this as a side job cause i have all the parts and a place to do it except i dont know much about doing it so it any one could give me some help id appreciate it. kyle
  6. C

    my truck done

    why do you say that
  7. C

    dummy on a bike

    nice way to show off
  8. C

    my truck done

    im going to be using the smae bed that came with it im just waiting for my 18" boyds to come in the bed wont fit with stock tires. and thanks for the complements guys
  9. C

    sick sick world
  10. C

    project: pissedoffsol

    i think we need to post a thread to see who can get the closest to the dyno number and the winer gets a free ride :D
  11. C

    project: pissedoffsol

    you got anything else done lately
  12. C

    !!!!(PERFORMANCE JLC 447)!!!!

    unless it has a h22 head but that would be point less
  13. C

    my truck done

    exactally what i plan on doing today
  14. C

    my truck done

    planning on it i just need to get some rims so it will lay all the way out.
  15. C

    my truck done

    well after weeks of not being able to work on it i finally got my truck bagged enjoy for those that care.
  16. C

    wat to do

    we cant just tell you to get this car what are your plans for the car that kind of stuff we need to know do you want to swap do you want toturbo supercharge what?? more details
  17. C

    How do U change user name?

    yes you can i dont know how tho ask B (pissedoffsol)
  18. C

    For all you deer lovers

    is it just me or is his red and blue lights on i guess that guy got away.
  19. C

    uh, why hasn't anyone used the new gallery yet?

    this may be just me but i dont like how i have to put in a description and all that. Im not complaining i just figured it takes up to much time
  20. C

    make a long license plate

    do it here
  21. Try your Search on Google
