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  1. S

    In the name of religion...

    How the heck do you blame the US for saddams crazy government, torture, and SYSTEMATIC DESTRUCTION of the Kurds... or the Taliban and its terrorist threats AGAINST america... or al-Qaida which has Bombed American Embassies...? w/e i'm not sure what you mean by a "good" translation... or how...
  2. S

    My First Auto-X Event! -Video<<<

    good stuff... good music... worth a minute of wait... whats the deal with the passenger tho? passenger = more weight and not that great of video
  3. S


    Honda Prelude - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. S

    Does this sound right?

    why not go satellite?
  5. S

    50c makes the news

    surprised he didn't rap his way out of it... or pull his "gat"...
  6. S

    From Sprint to Verizon

    Nokia 6255i Phone all the features... kinda bulky for the pockets... 50 bucks for it after my last one got soaked by a corn irigator...
  7. S

    In the name of religion... 10th grade history class)... they were power hungry nations looking for an excuse... using christianity as a front was a 'good' political move (*hey look - politicians still use religion for power and publicity*) the salem witch trials were not about christianity... read "The Crucible"...
  8. S

    Restart Problem

    biostar has been improving quality lately...
  9. S

    In the name of religion...

    difference between muslims beheadings and the catholic/spanish inquisition: 1. muslim's holy book tells them to do it.. 2. christians universally look back on the inquisition as a horrible thing... not to say christians haven't messed up... but comparing muslims in general to christians in...
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    In the name of religion...

    another man has his head cut off... BBC NEWS | Africa | Kidnapped Sudan editor beheaded but us westerners had better not be intolerant by suggesting that this is EVIL and that it must stop... now.
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    Snowboard Trick?

    thats crazy... i wonder how many neck injuries he sustained before pulling it off correctly...
  12. S

    what up

    yea... i think you're right on that one TommyTheCat... my bad... didn't read the post well...
  13. S

    wooohooo! we struck oil

    *Hint to the American Government* Get The Oil In Alaska!!... there's plenty... and no, my tree hugging friends, you will not disturbe the south easter alaskan praire dog's migration patters with a few pipelines...
  14. S

    what up

    another lady joiner... welcome :)
  15. S

    the perfect car... 6 months early

    (after hours of autotrader research)... yes you can find 4,000 dollar 4th gen prelude VTEC's .... but they more or less all have a load of miles on them.... and i'd rather buy a shell and do a swap for a jdm motor with under 60k miles than pay 4 grand for a shell and a motor with 200,000+ miles...
  16. S

    The Antichrist has shown it's face!

    that kid is gunna wind up so messed up...
  17. S

    the perfect car... 6 months early

    well... i have saved more money than i would actually need anyway... (altho i'd like to spend some of it on college)... and yes i have given them a rational arguement for it... but it doesn't really matter when they are already prejudiced against it because of sterotypes... and the do it and...
  18. S

    Woah... wut a waste of time

    that is amazing...
  19. S

    fiberglass interior???

    i know a lot of people like CRX's.. but seriously... putting a custom $$$$$ interior in one? why not spend the money on a newer, faster car?
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