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    darn, there's a lot of money to be made in that...
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    I'm getting married...

    stupid movie stars... think its cool to starve themselves and influence half of 11-19 year old girls in america to do the same...
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    awesome story

    that has to be one of the top ten stupidest things i've heard anyone do for revenge...
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    Don't F with santa

    "wow, i just got beaten down by santa"
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    Quick Reply "Go Advanced" is broken

    i'm having the same problem... but i'm running firefox...
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    System Set-ups

    wow... the extreme cooling one run's sound expensive... i built my whole system for just under $650... (+150 for decent monitor and decent keyboar, optical mouse)
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    Wisconsin Emmisions/Engine Swap OK?

    I figure it falls under the catagory of general maintenence so I think this is the best place for this questions... Heres the deal... I'm thinking of purchasing a 1992 Prelude Si with a H22 swap. However, the swap is a 2001. The owner is selling because he couldn't pass california regulations...
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    System Set-ups

    Being relatively new... I don't know whether this question has been asked multiple x times before this... if so tell me so... but yea.. What type of computer systems are we running around here? Homebuild (the best)? Any sweet mods anybody wants to mention? I'll start us off with my 6 month...
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    and people say AMD's run hot

    yea... seen that one before... on a more serious yet funny note... i had a friend whose pc i helped mod, and he is a dumbass and his heasink fell off his P4 chip during transit... and he was stupid and didn't notice and kept trying to start his comp even tho the BIOS auto shut down due to...
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    What plugins for mozilla do I need?

    just for cool looks... try the "gold/red/blu/grey shift" customization... its a compact type dark themed style...
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    Restart Problem

    i had that same promblem for the first two weeks after assembling my newest pc... for me the problem was the mobo BIOS (whatever the original was for the Asus A8N-SLI)... i put there newer one on (for completely unrelated reasons) and never had the problem again...
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    Original windows 3.0 OS on ebay

    w/e... i still stay strong with windows 2000 (although i have xp on my 2nd HD for boot to use with photoshop)... i will agree that vista looks really cool from the beta pics tho...
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    problems at the Apartment

    wow, BOND, take it easy... i never knew grewsome death was "hilarious"... btw... who wants to pick up skull and brains all night?
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    Sony PS3 VS Nintendo Wi, who will win?

    just my personal opinion... but i think nintendo officially died after N64... ever since they graphics/user interface/availible games for sony and mircosoft systems has definatlely been beter
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    As suggested....

    As suggested by the introduction... Hello, my name is Paul and I just signed up. I am the proud driver of a 97 Prelude (base model). Only mods being decent muffler (last owner), decent sound system (last owner) and a sweet stock style carbon fiber hood (myself, after a little scrap). I hope to...
  16. Try your Search on Google
