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  • Users: Frankie P.
  • Content: Threads
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  1. F

    Brake Retainer?

    Hey guys, I am back not that any of you really care, but oh well. I am having massive problems with my brakes, which is the reason why I am starting this whole thread of course. Anyway, here is the situation, I changed my brakes but was having a problem with them get extremely hot, to the point...
  2. F

    Bleeding Brakes?

    Hey guys, as I mentioned in another post, I have been busy iwht work, and I haven't had time to post on here. Anyway, I badly needed to change the brakes on my SI, and didn't bleed them to see if they would work the same, because as I said I am very short on time. Well I took it for a "Test"...
  3. F


    Hey guys, I haven't been on in a while, but I am have been extremely busy with work, and have very little free time right now, I was just wondering if anybody new any good songs that in the affermentioned(SP?) genre's? I have been listening to a lot of the same music, and my collection of CD's...
  4. F


    No more begging for any man.
  5. F

    Why. :(

    Why or why!! They should have just given it to me.
  6. F

    Good Brake Kits?

    Hey guys, I was just wondering who made good brake kits? I know Brembo and Willwood do, but is there anybody else. How about Rotora or Dynapro? They are the only ones that I can find for my SI. Also would I only need to upgrade the front or could I do the back as well, I would like to get the...
  7. F

    My SI!!!

    My buddy had bad timing, and got me when I was laughing. There is my honey!! The APC muffler that every hated before looking at. It was a little too big to fit, so it had to stick out a little further than normal. And a look at "THE DENT." A good look at the SI, if you look careful you...
  8. F

    Lakers in 4?

    Well looks like whoever said that is wrong. Go Pistons, WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. F

    Redneck Rap!

    Yee-Haw. Most of you probably have seen this, but I was bored and hadn't been on Shockwave in like 2 years, so I decided to see what was up, and came across this, funny shit.
  10. F

    Reagan RIP!!!

    Reagan Love him or hate him, may the man RIP. God bless him and his family, they have my condolences.
  11. F

    Two good movies!!
  12. F

    Supra vs. Lambo Right Click save.
  13. F

    New tailights for my SI?

    Hey guys when I get ready to start up my SI build, would you encourage these lights over the stock ones? I love them, and my car will be white by then, with a cf hood. I like the tailights too, but instead of amber signals I will change them to white probably what do you guys think?
  14. F

    Running low 12's high 11's!?

    Along the lines of the post I saw in the Turbo forum, about the guy wanting to run 12's with boost, I was wondering how I could go about running around the same times all motor. I used to be a fan of boost and still am, but NA is just more street drivable than turbo. My setup will be a K20A2, I...
  15. F

    I hate the Lakers!!!!!

    Plain and simple I hate dynasties, or not even dynasties, I hate franchises that buy the best player just to win a championship. Hence the Lakers and Yankee's, shit I hated the Bulls back in the day too. The Lakers did not deserve to win this series (Wolves/Lakers) much less deserve to make it...
  16. F

    Rockin' Cat!!!

    Bas ass Kitty!! REPOST PROBABLY, but only B would know.
  17. F

    Nice Breasts!!!

    Story WTF!?
  18. F

    Musicians that Annoy YOU!?

    After reading the suicide letter because PHISH is calling it quits, I was just wondering what musicians/bands annoy the hell out of you? I know for me, mainly it is all this new "Pussy" rap that is coming out or "Old" rappers trying to make a come back. By Pussy Rap I mean, Cassidy and J-Kwon...
  19. F

    Need a Pen Pal?

    Ladies!! If you weak guys ever need some protection and a wife all in one.
  20. F

    Steering shakes!?

    Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys could help me out. Well, everytime I brake while going down a steep hill, my steering wheel sakes really really bad. Like it clicks or hits somethin inside the dash, any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it? Also it uses electrical power...