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  1. d17type-R

    Oh Noes! Somebody stoled my exhaust!

    Holy Crap!... you mastered the art of RAIN GUARD installs! You must be a Wal-Mart Tech or sum'nLOLOLOLOLOL!^_^ Just bustin on ya!... I've bloodied a knuckle or two takin off the exhaust system from my 04 LX coupe.... good times!
  2. d17type-R

    I Must Have The "precious"........

    Time to count my pennies and nickels.........^_^
  3. d17type-R

    look at my project car

    ^_^ *snicker*......It's got "steal-me" stickers and a shopping cart handle :thumbsdown: :shrug2: ...Ricers, whatddya gonna do? I never thought it was possible to rice a Scooby but wonders nevers cease.... I think I'm a post this bad boy up on I guess it just goes to show.... not...
  4. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!!

    Yes'm..........ok, i really don't wanna start a new thread just for a simple question but do you know how hard it is, or have you done,... a 5-lug rear axle swap onto an EM2 chassis?... i wanna do both front and rear just not sure if i gotta pay a shop to do it. Easy? Yay or Nay?
  5. d17type-R

    GSXR in a SMART for TWO...(well, now it'd be just for one)

    It's the Batmobile's second cousin twice-removed.......^_^ Whatever it is... it's still Big, Dumb & Fun!
  6. d17type-R

    GSXR in a SMART for TWO...(well, now it'd be just for one)

    Git R Dun... Bust out the Plasma Cutter and get busy with your buddies!^_^
  7. d17type-R

    Those crazy Orientals are at it again!!

    Videos on that site have it waxing an Ferarri......^_^
  8. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!!

    Is "BACK TO THE FUTURE" before your time?:confused:
  9. d17type-R

    2008 supra. What do you guys think?

    ^_^ *snicker.... "Wake Up! ... The Matrix Has You!"
  10. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!!

    I had a Brain Fart.... If a Yaris is travelling 88mph, and 1.3 Jiggawatts goes through the Flux Capacitor........ annnnnnnd I hit my head on the toilet... does it still mean that I spent the night in the can pie-eyed?
  11. d17type-R

    How To: Fiberglassing a Trunk Lid

    In the short time that I have been a member of this forum, I have seen a lot of really great ideas done with clean execution because people put their heads together and shared ideas. In the spirit of that, I thought I'd offer some of the more intricate details that go into building something...
  12. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!!

    No worries.... I'm actually writing up something for in the Audio/Video/Security Section... hopefully everyone will get some use out of it
  13. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!!

    ^_^ Copacetic man!.... I love my Router so much I almost threw out my jigsaw when I got it...... I'm serious.... a GOOD Router is like the best tool you can ever have.... that and a bitchin' big table saw......
  14. d17type-R

    GSXR in a SMART for TWO...(well, now it'd be just for one)

    Here's some fun with a bike engine......... Sounds like a good 2 weekend project... (At the SMART Dealership..... "Well, I like the car and all, but it just has NO traction" ...and that's when the salesman got confused) YouTube - Smart with hayabusa engine=
  15. d17type-R

    2008 supra. What do you guys think?

    yeah i heard they were puttin a souped-up hybrid in it somewheres along the way.... I still say my 8 yr old could have made something more asthetically pleasing with his Play-Doh supply^_^ i dunno guys.... the whole ridges and angles concept has gone a little too far and I'm thinkin' that...
  16. d17type-R

    Those crazy Orientals are at it again!!

    Check out this crazy SMARTCAR with a GSXR motor in it!!!!!! YouTube - Smart with hayabusa engine= :o Cool enough for the girls I date!:eek:
  17. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!! "Drugs r Baaaadddddd MMkay:D But this one was even better, not jackin' this thread or anything...just bored.... YouTube - Drugs Are Bad MmKay= I don't even smoke the stuff but I watched this one and i swear I felt freakin' STOOOOOOONED!..... a...
  18. d17type-R

    Modding the Yaris and gettin HIGH!!!

    Yeah Vinyl.... you can even get supah-numma-wunn colored CF 'look' vinyl... that oughta take care of any blems in the finish of your sanding. Not to be a dick or anything, but you said you've got 10 years doin' this stuff: -Why was there no routered plug to cover the opening so that when the...
  19. d17type-R

    Do these look good

    I don't know exactly why people do little bullshit add-ons. Apparently not all of us have the restraint it takes to stop from raiding WAL-MART for those 10-15$ cheap ricer parts ...... Prime Example: Tire Flys Now here's a nifty little gizmo designed exclusively around you 16-25yr old age set...
  20. d17type-R

    Grinding a manifold

    Here's something I wanted to try for fun... My stock manifold onmy 1.7 SOHC has really tiny holes and what look like sleeves.... I thought of taking a Die Grinder and smoothing out the flow that goes into it. It's just something to try in my spare time... sort of a "Hey, I wonder what would...