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    7g Civic Overheating! HELP!

    Well fans where the first thing i ever checked asmallsol and they all checked out alright no fuses are blown so i was left stumped with that...and i havent checked any of the trannie lines..but my car shifts nicely....but didn't think any problems with that would cause the car to...
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    7g Civic Overheating! HELP!

    there are no crimps in any of my lines...i also sorta figured the dealership would of noticed such a thing when they ran diagnostics....although i felt like i knew more about the problem than they did when i talked to them.....Also i do have an's a 4dr LX... I heard something...
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    7g Civic Overheating! HELP!

    my engine runs great other than this stupid thing... ..i've never had any problems with the way it runs except that it's overheating....and i also would of imagined that after almost a year of this engine would of completely blown up with a bad head gasket....
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    7g Civic Overheating! HELP!

    Well im hoping someone can shead some light on my given situation this problem has been plagueing me for roughly 9 months. ...My car will start to overheat for no given reason... the air from the heater will turn cold as if nothing is going through the waterpump.... after my car doing this to...