89 year old woman arrested for petty theft

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Ohio woman, 89, accused of keeping kids' football

BLUE ASH, Ohio (AP) — Police in Ohio say an 89-year-old woman was facing a charge of petty theft because neighborhood children accused her of refusing to give back their football. Edna Jester was arrested last week in the Cincinnati suburb of Blue Ash.
Police said one child's father complained that Jester kept the youngsters' ball after it landed in her yard. Police Capt. James Schaffer said there has been an ongoing dispute in the neighborhood over kids' balls landing in the woman's yard.
Jester said Monday she has received many calls and didn't have time to discuss the matter any more.
Jester is to appear in court next month. The maximum penalty for a petty theft conviction in Ohio is six months in jail and a fine of up to $1,000.
source AP.

I can't believe it. What a bunch of fags these parents are. What are we teaching our children now days. This whole family should be sterilised to prevent the spread of faulty DNA.

This entire situation reeks of stupidity. Unless this woman was sitting on her porch just waiting for balls to land on her lawn, then why not just hop the fence and get it yourself?

And if she was, well then she is a bitter old woman who gets her jollies by stealing kids balls (Wow that sounds hilarious).

Situation should have been handled different on both accounts. Splash some intelligence on the bunch and let it marinate.
Whoop-de-fuck granny... you live in a neighborhood where kids play around, expect a ball or two to land in your yard. Just let the kids go get it and be done with it.
Get them all in the court room, toss in a couple of grenades, and lock the doors. The judicial version of a microwave. Nuke the judge who is considering trying this case in court, nuke the officer who arrested granny for "stealing" a football that was on her property, nuke the kids and parrents for being douchbags and pushing it this far instead of just buying another $8 football. Hell, buy a nice one for $30.
I'm sure the kids said something about it to their parents. Instead of the parents talking with granny they just called the police like ass hats.

If I was the parent I'd say they shouldn't have thrown it in the yard, and to just suck it up. People get stupid over nothing.