AMD vs. Intel

  • Thread starter Thread starter CRX-YEM
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why would you buy a budget cpu...

i bought my dual processor board, and BOTH p3 1ghz s370 cpus for 170, almost a year ago. that aint bad.
i bought my first amd... even went with the barton cuz it was supposedly better...

im not hapy with it at all. my next build will be intel
my next build will be an AMD 64 :D
My roommate's XP1700+ is starting to die after just over a year- and he hasn't overclocked it, moved it, or undercooled it at all. His system just randomly locks up and slows down... and yes, he is an Electrical Engineer that knows what he's doing with computers. He's ready for a new chip.
no problem with my XP1700+ at all (almost 3 years)

maybe they just dont like it down south :shrug2:
Maybe, who knows... I don't want to bash AMD- they do make good stuff and I'll still buy their chips- but I've had the most success with Intel chips.
yeah but you're one of those overclocking maniacs that try to make a poor little innocent 500mHz processor run at 6gig speeds
ive seen the radiator on your PC.... its bigger than my fluidyne in the sol

something about the smell of torched copper and silicone just makes you smile.... you sick bastard

:werd: :lmao:

Melting chips is fun fun fun!

Really though- I had a TBird 1.4 that I never overclocked- and it died within a year. My roommate's XP1700+ was never overclocked, and never even moved- it's on its way out. I've had my share of fragile Duron cores that would just break from being moved while in a system, and it just doesn't make me a fan of AMD chips. The new processors with the integrated heat spreaders are definitely a step in the right direction, and if I can test an A64 and have it be more stable and compatible than the new P4s, I'll get one when I upgrade the main system. Until then, there are still too many little quirks for me to run AMD on my main system.

My budget systems are all AMD chips though. :lol: