Drunk Drivers Suck

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first day of my 4 day weekend. im taking my friend home on a street that is more of a highway with stop lights. speed limit was 55 and i was going it. as i apporached the intersection, this brand new altima started rolling into the intersection perpendicular to me. my light was green. i slammed on my brakes, but hit her rear driver side, she did at least a 360 spin. and of course, her car was hardly damaged. later we find out that shes drunk, and doesnt have insurince on her. because its a new car, so she says. my car had to be towed and the claims adjuster is looking at it right now. i think it looks horrible.


theres the damage to my car. im actually hoping they total it so i can get a new one...a standard. what do you guys think?

everyone is alright, and it was 100% her fault, so its gonna be fixed or totaled.
that sucks man, sorry to hear :( ... glad everyone is ok though.. i bet they total the car, you better pull those teins off before the insurance company gets them :) hopefully you get some money for that car, i know when i totalled mine, i only got $4900, then had to buy it back for $1200 :(
i think the only consolation was that it was auto. but still... sux ass man. maybe if they total it, we can discuss parts for sale. hit me up.
dude.. I say you get drunk :beer: and then drive straight into her living room.. lol.. j/k .. that sucks man... and the fact that there was not a lot of damage to her car makes it worse.. I hope you get the money so you can go buy a new ride..
drivers with no insurance: :thumbsdown: drunk drivers are even worse. glad u are ok. hope that bitch pays :axe: looks like you'll be getting a big check from the insurance...hopefully.
I'd sue her for any money you have to cough up yourself. Seems that without her being drunk you would have a perfectly normal car w/o any costs. Since she was tho, if you have to pay ANYTHING then sue her for that amount. I'd call a lawyer if I were you too, cause maybe your neck is really sore...... :D
Originally posted by zueke@Apr 18 2003, 03:32 PM
I'd sue her for any money you have to cough up yourself. Seems that without her being drunk you would have a perfectly normal car w/o any costs. Since she was tho, if you have to pay ANYTHING then sue her for that amount. I'd call a lawyer if I were you too, cause maybe your neck is really sore...... :D

well i find out tomorrow morning weather they are gonna fix it or total it. im hoping that its totaled so i can get a new one...standard. but anyway, say i get another 5th gen, will the teins i have on my coupe fit the hatch as well?
Originally posted by eyesonlybob@Apr 20 2003, 12:07 PM
well i find out tomorrow morning weather they are gonna fix it or total it. im hoping that its totaled so i can get a new one...standard. but anyway, say i get another 5th gen, will the teins i have on my coupe fit the hatch as well?

make sure you get your wheels too, if they do total it find out what they want for the car and buy it so you have a bunch of extra parts for your hatch.
Originally posted by liquid00meth@Apr 20 2003, 05:13 PM
yea alot of times it's in your best interest to just buy the wreck

yep, and i think its illegal to take your parts off without their knowledge when it is a total loss... do you have your original suspension? hurry and throw that shit back on :)
ya i have all stock parts that im gonna replace with the aftermarket ones i put on...

their still not done with the estimate, but he said i need a new apron on the driverside, and that the shock tower is bent in. also i noticed where my driver side motor mount bolts to the car, its bent to where i can fit my finger between the metal and the mount...so ya...he thinks its totaled. yay.

totaled means good news for me. i convinced my dad to let me get a new civ, and swap the gsr in it. :P

waiting is a bitch.
yea, that shit is junk. youre gonna get paid for it. make sure you rip everything out of it too. glad youre ok though. damn man that sux. :(