Need help creating an ebay auction

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Hey, I just won four floor section Bon Jovi tickets on ebay and only need two for myself and my girlfriend. Its for the third concert of three concerts to be performed in their homestate of New Jersey at Continental Airlines arena.

With that said, these puppies weren't cheap and cost me $610 for all four. I went to resell two of the four tickets, but I don't want to have a mickey mouse looking auction page for tickets that are going to probably sell for nearly $200 each.

Can anyone help me out with laying out the ebay auction page with graphics and stuff that makes it look more professional rather than just some text scrolled across the page? It would be appreciated if anyone could.
They won't sell for chit. You have to have good feedback before selling anything. Someone will bid like $10.00 on em and take that chance, but you'll never get full price.

You need someone with good SELLER feedback to list em for you.
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They won't sell for chit. You have to have good feedback before selling anything. Someone will bid like $10.00 on em and take that chance, but you'll never get full price.

You need someone with good SELLER feedback to list em for you.

They'll sell. Its a sold out concert. I have feedback on one item, never received feedback on a second item, and I'll receive positive feedback and the tickets as my third item.

I'm not asking what I'll get for them, I ebay enough that I know the trends, I just want some help laying out something other than the typical ebay templates.
Have some girl pose topless holding the tickets, post that as your main picture. they should sale =)
depending on if you have enough time you could throw a classified ad in the paper, i see that type of shit in there all the time
let some people know that you have them and have them see if they know anyone who might be interested
or if you dont have much time, just head to the show early and sell them there
throw em up on Craigslist, they'll probably sell there. that site looked like it wouldn't get much traffic, but damn, stuff sells fast on it
Thanks for the ideas guys.

I'm not going to pay for a traditional classified ad, because that will cut into my profit too much.

If craigslist is free then I'll definately be putting the tickets up on there.

The main goal right now is to put the tickets up on ebay because the concert is sold out and the auction style bidding is driving the prices through the roof. I mean I sniped an auction with seconds to go and the price was going to go above $615 for four tickets, so you can only imagine what people are willing to spend.

For the two tickets I want around $400 but I want a decent looking page if I'm going to sell something for such a significant price.
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throw em up on Craigslist, they'll probably sell there. that site looked like it wouldn't get much traffic, but damn, stuff sells fast on it


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Thanks for the ideas guys.

I'm not going to pay for a traditional classified ad, because that will cut into my profit too much.

If craigslist is free then I'll definately be putting the tickets up on there.

The main goal right now is to put the tickets up on ebay because the concert is sold out and the auction style bidding is driving the prices through the roof. I mean I sniped an auction with seconds to go and the price was going to go above $615 for four tickets, so you can only imagine what people are willing to spend.

For the two tickets I want around $400 but I want a decent looking page if I'm going to sell something for such a significant price.

craigslist is free... list 'em there.
Ticketmaster, and some others, have an online site dedicated to legimate ticket scalping (Well, if it's legit, then I suppose it's not scalping)

And if they cost you $610, then what exactly did you "win"?
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Ticketmaster, and some others, have an online site dedicated to legimate ticket scalping (Well, if it's legit, then I suppose it's not scalping)

And if they cost you $610, then what exactly did you "win"?

4 floor tickets to the last of three concerts that Bon Jovi will be playing in a sold out stadium in basically their hometown.

If I were to buy ticket, located on the SECOND TIER, straight from ticketmaster they would have been $80 a pop.

This way, I just bought 4 floor tickets that will cost me a total of $625 after all is said and done. A set of tickets is going for around $400 on ebay right now.

$625-400 = $225 for a set of tickets. $112.50 per ticket to be sitting on the floor, right infront of the stage, compared to $80 to sit in east bumblefuck.

I just made the best investment that I could for such good tickets. If I had only bought a set of tickets than I would have been paying $200 per ticket.

Question remains;

B, can you find it in your heart to set up an ebay auction page for me that doesn't look like ass?
my hear is cold dark and ugly.


plus, have you seen my auctions? no one gives a shit. as long as you have a picture, and understand

and tages for paragraphs and bold text, you're golden.
dude no one gives a flying fuck how your page looks, if you don't got the feedback your not gonna do good.......making the page all fancy and not having sufficient feedback just makes it look like your a scammer
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dude no one gives a flying fuck how your page looks, if you don't got the feedback your not gonna do good.......making the page all fancy and not having sufficient feedback just makes it look like your a scammer

They're concert tickets. I have 3 items of feedback, I don't need anymore for someone that really wants to go to see the show.

If its an issue, which it won't be, then I'll use my dad's account that has more feedback from both him and myself doing business on his account.

I'm not asking do you think I can sell these things, I'm asking for help on the webpage.
just put in there that you're new to ebay or don't sell much on ebay, but you have good feedback here, other sites, etc etc...