need some advic on my girl ? ‹(•¿•)›

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ok short and simple my girl is spending to much money on me lol

she bought me a car and allot of parts /cloths 2g's just this month alone . the thing is shes really clingy and i don't know how much longer i can deal with all her problems. if we break up i don't want her taking me to court saying she loaned me the money for all this stuff when clearly i told her not to buy allot of it but she insisted and said it was a gift. witch i been seeing allot on court tv lately. the main thing is she thinks she has to buy her friends .

any ideas on what i should do or could do ?
Well... Have your spoken to her about all this? Sounds like you two need to have a heart felt talk and if she gets all pissy I would honestly consider the leaving... as for her buying you all the stuff, well consider this? they were gifts and inless she can prove other wise.. Cough* un likly u should be ok. But my advice is talk , talking between couples helps so much from my EXP lol.
BTW good luck!
give me her address and phone number. i guarantee by saturday she never calls you back. :thumbsup:
no..its not necessarily a good thing...i see where hes going...i have this problem too....she buys you "gifts" and then when you and her are over she expects everything back...when you cant come up with everything..shes takes it upon herself to find something of yours that is of ezual all eactuality its of equal value in her maybe a set of mugen wheels in your garage....she bought you a $200 chain(necklace) and you lost it or got it broken.or even just dont want to give it she says oh..ill just take the rims and well be even..and all the time she is being a bitch after the breakup...

sit and have a long heart felt talk with her...shit will end up getting ugly real soon
I had a GF like that........

so I married her....:p
ok short and simple my girl is spending to much money on me lol

she bought me a car and allot of parts /cloths 2g's just this month alone . the thing is shes really clingy and i don't know how much longer i can deal with all her problems. if we break up i don't want her taking me to court saying she loaned me the money for all this stuff when clearly i told her not to buy allot of it but she insisted and said it was a gift. witch i been seeing allot on court tv lately. the main thing is she thinks she has to buy her friends .

any ideas on what i should do or could do ?

I'm a spoiled rotten princess. But, what matters is if it bothers you. I was bought a new car, new clothes, new computer, everything I want basically, and what we talked about was how we both felt about it. It bothered me at first because I felt obligated, but he and I know that we both love each other and we're not trying to buy each other, we simply want to have nice things. I mean, a newer/safer car for me to drive and tote the kids was important... everything else is pretty much just material items. If it makes you feel bad, tell her, but she may not be buying you off... she may just like doing it. And if she has the money, I don't really see a problem... but once again, I'm a chick and I'm materialistic and stuck up.

Although, I bought him a lot of expensive things too... I just don't have the cash for that anymore. Now he's the one who brings home the bacon, so we reversed roles I guess.
2 options.

A) marry her like airjockie did.

B) give her all the stuff back and break up with her. cut your losses early.

go with option b, you'll thank me later
haha wait, was B one of the worst typists on this board, picking on someones grammar? lol
You miss important letters like that all the time, y0. :)
milk her like the cow that she is!


well, if you are not feeling her and dont think that she is the right girl for you then it would be silly to stay together.

As far as gifts so, i would return her shit unless that isnt an option (like if she bought you tires and you have mounted them on your car) or she has no use for it (if she bought you clothes, fuck she isnt going to wear it)

beter yet, burn your car and your clothes that way you have a clear conscious and she learns her lesson and stops "buying her friends" as you put it
Are you the guy with the whats missing from my front end thread? Before you do anything, PLEASE for the sake of everyones eyes make her buy you a new front bumper.
make the bitch sign a paper saying they were gifts and not loans

tell her you need it to prove to your mom you're not getting yourself in debt
or you need to show a detective cause he's trying to catch you riding dirty for all new stuff you're flaunting

or better yet
set your phone up to record or use a tape recorder and then ask her straight out if everything she's boughten you were gifts from her to you
get her saying it and she's got no case

but i'd still be banging the bitch if she were buying me all kinds of cool shit
i want a sugar mama

and the obligatory TTIWWOP y0
lets she what this heffer looks like
its usually not the skinny broads that buy their bf's
as i said above...have the heart to heart with her....figure out why shes buying all this shit...and check into if its really gifts.....depending on what you learn..the situation will then be decided