Obama’s birth cert still cannot be found

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Neil Abercrombie, the newly elected democratic governor of Hawaii has embarked on a campaign to end the birther controversy by physically locating President Obama’s birth certificate. Recently, he has publicly released a statement saying that he is still unable to locate the physical document.

Hawaii governor says Obama's birth record 'exists' but can't produce it | Mail Online

Obviously news of this sort will fuel speculation that Obama is not actually and American citizen and therefore not qualified to be our President under the Constitution. However, as we all know, the President is one of the most gifted politicians we have witnessed in modern times. His ability to navigate even the hairiest political front has allowed for impressive legislative successes, in an impressively short period of time. But why hasn’t the President personally squashed this assault on his eligibility? Why has he allowed his political enemies to gain steam and support by chopping away at a glaring weakness such as this?

As it turns out, there is a strong likelyhood that the answer to this daunting question is a very obvious one. What if Obama truly is a natural born American citizen? Rush may have hit the nail on the head during today’s program. He speculates that this is merely political jockeying, with the intent to deal a massive credibility blow to opponents of the President that have barked up the birther tree:

"it's really hard for me to believe that Neil Abercrombie just one day woke up on his own and without consultation said, "This birth thing bugs me. I'm gonna call a press conference, and I'm gonna tell people I was there when he was born, and I knew his mom and dad, and he was born here and I'm gonna prove it." I said earlier, Abercrombie's no fool. Many Hawaiians would disagree with me on that, many have. But if this guy is acting on his own as I have just described, that's unbelievable. The alternative is he's not acting on his own, this is all part of a continuing head fake and that at some point after a lot of people have gotten revved up cause now, the UK Daily Mail Online is more mainstream than anywhere else in America this has. Okay, so it ratchets up and ratchets up and then a couple years down the road, year and a half down the road, guess what, the thing's found, and, oh, can you imagine the air that will be let out of people's sails then?”

Governor of Hawaii Can't Find Barack Obama's Birth Certificate?

Think of the potential reaction when, in September or October of 2012, President Obama’s physical birth certificate is produced, proving that he is indeed, an American citizen. Imagine the backlash directed at politicians who have publicly taken the stand that Obama should be impeached because he is not an American citizen. How much credibility will they still have after they are made to look like fools on CNN and MSNBC? What will be the reaction of independent and center right voters who begin to perceive the “right wing” of the Republican party has resorted to wild and baseless accusations? Would a majority of Americans support a “birther” presidential candidate if Obama’s original certificate proved he was born on US soil?

It has always been my opinion that the country of the President’s origin should not and will not be on trial during the 2012 election. Instead, the trial will be based on policy and the direction of the country. This is all that really matters anyways.
does it really matter at this point? he's just a puppet, whether a citizen or not, he's going to be told to say the same damn things.
does it really matter at this point? he's just a puppet, whether a citizen or not, he's going to be told to say the same damn things.

Pretty muh what I was going to say. We can't undo his presidency. And he didn't do shit crazy enough to be pissed off. It's not like he gave every Muslim extremist a passport, visa, and keys to a plane here in the u.s. He just spent a fuckton of taxpayer money. Unfortunately that's not a crime.
However, as we all know, the President is one of the most gifted politicians we have witnessed in modern times. His ability to navigate even the hairiest political front has allowed for impressive legislative successes, in an impressively short period of time.

cough cough bullshit cough cough
cough cough bullshit cough cough

Well he did pass healthcare.

Limbaugh is probably right about the birther thing just being a trap for the opposition to fall into. Any politician or individual that builds their foundation on that argument is done for when the real thing magically appears.
I had to produce my birth certificate, among other documents, to get my driver's license and to get into grad school. No where alone the line is a copy of it or some other kind of document? In a government that is half paper work, I find it hard to believe that there wasn't a form or something that required it.
I benefited from all his health care reforms and I still don't think it's a good thing.
there are things in effect. i know my gf was able to get back on her parents health insurance and stop paying for it from her job.
there are things in effect. i know my gf was able to get back on her parents health insurance and stop paying for it from her job.

Being considered a child until the age of 26 will only be destructive to our society.

There was no tort reform in the bill - no tort reform = no real reform.

If you can sue a doctor for anything, the costs of practicing medicine rise accordingly... this is the real problem. The problem isnt the insurance companies.
yea, lol. but shes also switching jobs and becoming a private nanny for some rich family. she will get paid more, but i dont think there is any health insurance offered so its good for her to still be on her parents' plan.
there are things in effect. i know my gf was able to get back on her parents health insurance and stop paying for it from her job.
Yup. Exactly what helped me. But I was unaware and got it through my school anyway. So I have double coverage. For the ~$500 it would save me, I'd rather pay.
Being considered a child until the age of 26 will only be destructive to our society.

There was no tort reform in the bill - no tort reform = no real reform.

If you can sue a doctor for anything, the costs of practicing medicine rise accordingly... this is the real problem. The problem isnt the insurance companies.

you will never see tort reform until people stop fucking electing lawyers to political office
a group of lawyers is not going to pass laws that end up harming themselves or their peers
its just not going to happen

and until we get rid of this concept of the political elite class, and the political offices are once again held by average citizens picked by their peers to represent their peers and then return to living their lives as normal citizens again when their term is finished, our governmental system will continue to suck
the whole damn system needs a thorough douching... actually as fucked up as it has become it is probably easier and for the best at this point to just tear the whole damn thing down, re-read the directions, and start over
actually as fucked up as it has become it is probably easier and for the best at this point to just tear the whole damn thing down, re-read the directions, and start over


Are you talking about overthrowing the government?