Recording Industry Doesn't PLAY!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter MXDesa
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Hey guys i just wanted to give u a heads up on warnings coming from the RIAA. The recording association has been on a hunt for P2P network users that SHARE mp3's over these peer to peer networks. I know its old news but they are still going at it.

Tonight my lawyers and the representatives for the various labels represented by the RIAA reached a settlement. I actively shared a couple hundred mp3's, far less than a lot of people and i got slammed! Im not allowed to disclose much but Im not talking a few hundred bucks, this is in the thousands. I could do many b16 swaps with that figure. So guys if your sharing music, cut it before you turn out in my shoes! Take care
just moved all my music to an unshared folder :)
yeah I dont know if it applies to canadians or not, but all i know is that im fucked out of some serious dough. Just wanted to warn everyone...
if you're already getting fucked out of thousands of dollars, fuck them, disclose everything. :)
that really does suck though.
my brother got snagged when Metallica went on their spree. he settled it by just deleting the Metallica mp3's, idiots. I saw the RIAA can go fuck themselves.
I was actually using Kazaa the most along with Imesh, but it really doesn't matter what you use. They are normal P2P users that go searching for various songs, see who is sharing them, check out their library, and if contains copy written music, which most do, your fucked. They claim the money collected will go to cover advertisements, artists payouts, label payouts, things like that...
Well i work at my ISP, and anything that is copywriten, has to go through me first, so i know who's getting fucked :) i win