Switching from iPhone 3G to Blackberry Bold - Should I?

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A was talking to a neighbor today and noticed he had a Bold. When I told him that I had originally wanted one when I got my iPhone, he offered to trade since he wants the iPhone. I'm considering it, and hoping some of you on here have used the Bold a bit. I've played with it at the store, but haven't spent any real time on it. I know the app situation is not as good as with the iPhone, but there are only a few core apps I use that I could either do without or find a substitute. I don't use the iPod features at all, only last.fm sometimes. One thing I'm really curious about is if the Bold will still have the connection problems that the iPhone has had on AT&T.

Have any of you guys used both and could offer a real opinion on one or the other? I'm probably going to get the iPhone 4 later in the year or early next year anyway, so this would be somewhat temporary.

Also, I should add that my iPhone is jailbroken, and one of my main problems w/ it is that the performance of it drops quite a bit once it's jailbroken. I mainly did the jailbreak to gain things the phone should have in the first place like video recording, terminal, and a few other things.
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I wouldn't trade the iphone for anything other then another smartphone.

Blackberry E-mail > > > > > Iphone
but over all the iphone is much better then the bold.

Again, its all in what you want, if you dont care about fast internet use or a phone that does many different things. Then get the bold.
One thing I'm seeing is that people are saying the iphone's browser is much better. Does the Bold not show full web pages or what?
blackberrys are obsolete. as much as i hate the iphone, i'd never trade it for a crackberry
blackberrys are obsolete.
How so? Is development for BB pretty much done now with the iphone having taken over, or what? It's damn hard to get an objective comparison between the two from people that aren't either fanboys or just comparing specs on the phones.
They have been trying to play catch up for years now.... and failing. RIMM is laying everyone off. Plus, you need to hold a stupid "blackberry" data contract on all services which gets paid to blackberry, not your carrier, and its usually $5 more than an unlimited data plan on other networks. I wouldn't be suprised to see the end of the blackberry service in a few years.
They have been trying to play catch up for years now.... and failing. RIMM is laying everyone off. Plus, you need to hold a stupid "blackberry" data contract on all services which gets paid to blackberry, not your carrier, and its usually $5 more than an unlimited data plan on other networks. I wouldn't be suprised to see the end of the blackberry service in a few years.
Hmm... I was kind of thinking they were headed south after they released that god awful Storm. As for the data plan, I've already adjusted to the bullshit amount that ATT charges for the iPhone plan, so that wouldn't make much of a difference. I just realized that with the Bold I would be giving up visual voicemail, which is one of my favorite things on the iphone.
the bold is a great phone, dont get me wrong, but a blackberry is all business especially compared to an iphone.

if you want a no BS reliable all around great phone, get the BB and download opera mini

if you want fun and to spend a few less dollars monthly, keep your iphone.
They have been trying to play catch up for years now.... and failing. RIMM is laying everyone off. Plus, you need to hold a stupid "blackberry" data contract on all services which gets paid to blackberry, not your carrier, and its usually $5 more than an unlimited data plan on other networks. I wouldn't be suprised to see the end of the blackberry service in a few years.
not really my BB plan is cheaper than a smartphone data plan
Hmm... I was kind of thinking they were headed south after they released that god awful Storm. As for the data plan, I've already adjusted to the bullshit amount that ATT charges for the iPhone plan, so that wouldn't make much of a difference. I just realized that with the Bold I would be giving up visual voicemail, which is one of my favorite things on the iphone.
the Bold has visual voicemail.

and which bold does the guy have the 9000 or 9700? does it have a trackball or track pad?

I have a bold 9700 and love it. yes the iphone browser is better and there is more apps for the iphone. but all in all the bold is a solid device. yes it gets full webpages. as far as 3g speeds I say its the same. now if you had a 3gs then the speed would be faster on the iphone than the bold.

BB isnt heading south.

if the guy has a 9000 bold I would stick with the iphone, if it is a 9700 then that is a tough choice. if you like your iphone, you might get bored with the bold. its not a gaming phone. like people said its for business and email. there is a lot of apps for the BB but apple has a lot better selection of apps.

now would i trade my 9700 for a 3g iphone? NO I had a 32 gig iphone 3gs that i got from my buddie but kept the 9700 and sold the 3gs. now would i trade the 9700 for a iphone 4? Yes i think I would.

I like both the iphone and BB but it all depends on what you use your phone for
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the Bold has visual voicemail.

and which bold does the guy have the 9000 or 9700? does it have a trackball or track pad?

I have a bold 9700 and love it. yes the iphone browser is better and there is more apps for the iphone. but all in all the bold is a solid device. yes it gets full webpages. as far as 3g speeds I say its the same. now if you had a 3gs then the speed would be faster on the iphone than the bold.

BB isnt heading south.

if the guy has a 9000 bold I would stick with the iphone, if it is a 9700 then that is a tough choice. if you like your iphone, you might get bored with the bold. its not a gaming phone. like people said its for business and email. there is a lot of apps for the BB but apple has a lot better selection of apps.

now would i trade my 9700 for a 3g iphone? NO I had a 32 gig iphone 3gs that i got from my buddie but kept the 9700 and sold the 3gs. now would i trade the 9700 for a iphone 4? Yes i think I would.

I like both the iphone and BB but it all depends on what you use your phone for
Thanks for the info, this one does have the trackball. I told the guy that I would keep my phone. I realized that I really just don't care that much anymore, a phone's a phone. There's a few feature's that each have that are useful, and I'm used to the iphone so why change it for something that's not really much of an improvement over what I have. I don't play games on my phone other than the real basic ones, so that doesn't matter, but there are a few apps that I wouldn't be able to replace that would bug me which were the surf report and tides chart. Also, it's nice to be able to have Installous :)