Voters laugh out loud at Democrat’s promise that ObamaCare will save money

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If the plan is as great as obama say, why are his wife and daughters not on it?

Remember in the USSR how communist party leaders had their own grocery stores that were separate from those of the common people?
If the plan is as great as obama say, why are his wife and daughters not on it?

Remember in the USSR how communist party leaders had their own grocery stores that were separate from those of the common people?

I was 9 when the USSR collapsed, so nope.
You have to remember that the Government saving money is diffrent than you or I saving money. See in the Government buying a product for 4 times the normal amount is a savings when they normally buy a product for 6 times the normal cost. So in the end, it is a savings!
its the same mentality as when political party A wants to raise the funding for something by $730million and political party B only wants to raise the funding by $400million
political party A will then claim that political party B wants to cut funding for that something by $330million
when in fact, both parties are going to raise funding, one simply isnt going to raise it by as much

politicians are retarded... full on retarded

the sad thing is... most of the population in this country are even more retarded, and take whatever their politician of choice says as fact without ever looking further into it

it doesnt matter though... even if a politician comes around that has great ideas and the proper ambitions to really help this country... they wont make it into office... the population wants a nanny state... they want everything handed to them, because they are lazy fucks with delusions of entitlement...

as much as the political system in this country needs a proper douching... the population needs one first

bring on the pandemic flu... bring on a season of famine and hardship... we need a thinning of the heard in this country... we need a dose of Darwinism to kill off the dead weight... only after the dead weight has been trimmed away can we emerge once again as a prosperous society

think of it like a forest fire... you need to burn out all of the undergrowth and dead trees every few seasons... the burnt plants fertilize the soil, quickly making the remaining trees and new growth come in that much stronger... without the burnt plant matter there isnt enough nutrients in the ground to support the forest, and it chokes itself to death... then it takes a lot longer for the forest to return, if it returns at all... often it remains mostly baron land except for some low growth weeds and shrubs

unless a forest fire sweeps through this country, this is our future
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Anyone watch the craptastic press conference yesterday?
as much as the political system in this country needs a proper douching... the population needs one first

Pandemic flu, economic recession, skyrocketing unemployment.

Seems like the US is receiving the "douching" you just described. Whats more, they've elected someone who they thought would sp00n feed them money. By 2010 the average US citizen will be prepared to do things for his/her self ... as opposed to relying on the govt.

@ Drake. Yes, Watched it Last night. Best line, "Police acted Stupidly". Heh thats the only thing obama has said i agree with so far.
I'm glad to see our President is in the position to tell everyone how evil everyone else is. Police are evil, Doctors apparently do major surgery just for S&G's, Insurance companies want to milk you dry (yet the same blood suckers are in his administration Goldmen-Sachs employees anyone?) Maybe I am jelouse that I dont get to ride my high horse and level judgment against those I dislike.
I'm glad to see our President is in the position to tell everyone how evil everyone else is. Police are evil, Doctors apparently do major surgery just for S&G's, Insurance companies want to milk you dry (yet the same blood suckers are in his administration Goldmen-Sachs employees anyone?) Maybe I am jelouse that I dont get to ride my high horse and level judgment against those I dislike.

We elected an angry man who must lie to us in order to "rope us along".
Well we should all know he is only angry because of the rich white capatilits. We ruin everyyyyyyyy thing. Even my 'progresive' friends are getting all fired up about everything. They talk about getting rid of hate and working together but they foster the divide to push there agenda along and most americans are to fucking dumb to realise it. This isn't about elephants and donkeys its about this country being transformed into a country full of beggers looking for a handout.