timewarp thread (put blast from the past crap here)

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Yeee boiiii Wolfenstein 3d
YouTube - PC - Wolfenstein 3D - E3M9 (Hitler) 100% Video

And who didnt play they're friends after school heads up at Doom!! GALLOWS .WAD! hahaha
YouTube - DOOM

I got a story with this game.. My Art teacher had a computer in the storage room at the school.. I used to always tell her I had to do something to fix this then update that and Bullshit so I could spend the class time sitting playing this and Sim City on her computer.. Ate my lunch in there to hahaha
YouTube - Stunts (PC) game, my own track

YouTube - SimCity 2000
Ok this one isnt PC But I couldnt help myself.. I loved this game to
YouTube - Toejam & Earl Panic on Funkotron

Theres some games I cant find like the original Need for Speed.. And I'm bout to crash out but heres some I'm thinkin bout.. Every time I goto exit outa here I think of a few more.. and damn.. I'm not tryin to post whore lol

Original Need for Speed
Original Test Drive
Police Squad
Lunar Lander
The Return to Zork
CRAP I Cant remember one of my favs I always think of it to.. I know alot of you know this one.. where your flying on a teridactle and every time you get to the end of the screen you come out the other end.. you can fly and land / run jump.. the Damnit.. grrr I''ll think of it eventually if no one else knows..
thats one of those games in the past i would remember and be so mad cause it bugged the hell outa me that i couldnt remember the name of it.. and when I finally did I'd be so happy.. now its that time again.. Blahh right on the end of my tongue to..
Ok I had leaving one last reply on another thread and had to drop this one in here also... THIS MOVIE Is Definatly by far my all time fav I Recomend everyone see it!! Its the creators of South Park,, nomatter what I always keep this DVD in my car, on my phone on my computer.. everywhere its SOOO Funny
I Give you
YouTube - The Orgasmorator


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whooohoooo 2 days later I finally remembered that game. JOUST. The game where your on a teradactile getting eggs.. I loved that game
whooohoooo 2 days later I finally remembered that game. JOUST. The game where your on a teradactile getting eggs.. I loved that game

You mean ostrich? :huh: At least that's what I remember. Freakin' funny game. haha

Oh my GOD!!! I just remembered I used to play this game all the time when I was in about 2nd grade. I love this game, wish I still had it.

The music was bitchin by the way, anyone who says otherwise needs a kick in the pants.
wasnt that that top gun game? Or was that another one?


Oh my GOD!!! I just remembered I used to play this game all the time when I was in about 2nd grade. I love this game, wish I still had it.

The music was bitchin by the way, anyone who says otherwise needs a kick in the pants.