Play Station Network (PSN) DOWN!!!

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Except for the fact at $50/year plus the cost of a 360 you will pay more then $600. Don't forget back in 2008 live was down for a few days as well. So to sum up, as much as no on likes to admit they are very similar(except for the fact that developers have more room to work with on the DVD on the ps2 then they have to use on the 360)

Btw I want my psn back

I did not think about it that way. However when I bought my 360 I really had no intention of using live. I did not sign up for it until a year and a half ago when I got into COD. Also when the ps3 came out I could not justify spending $600 on a gaming system. I know it has a blue ray player, but I dont really think that blue ray (or dvd) will be around much longer. Also at the time my tv only had 720 resolution so the blue ray would have been pointless anyway. I am not trying to convince anyone to switch, just offering my point of view.
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psn is still down??? holy shit...i tried gettin on thur fri and sat.....i would of thought it would be fixed by now......ive been playin gt5 offline :(
:werd: :D Ive got a couple friends that always gave me shit for two things.
1. I dont play Zombies on COD
2. I dont get a PS3 to play on PSN with them.

I've got PS3, Xbox360 and 2 Wii's
bring on all the outages you want
its not gonna stop my hussle.

and now that i have experience with live vs psn with black ops, there's really no difference
you still get some laggy times, you get the same host migration, same aborted games etc
i still prefer the ps3 controller
how fucking stingy does MS have to be to not give you a rechargeable remote?
I am pro anonymous. In that reguards fuck Sony or anyone else who try's to tell me what I can do with my shit after I buy it. Shit after I pay for it it should be called the nootracstation 3 because its mine.
I've got PS3, Xbox360 and 2 Wii's
bring on all the outages you want
its not gonna stop my hussle.

ive got all 3 systems as well.

i'm on my 7th 360. RROD this week so i'm about to return it to get #8.

my ps3 cost me $600 initially, and then a $75 repair after only about 25 hours of use across a few years.

my wii, is still an original year 1 production model, with 2x as many hours as the other consoles.... combined. :thumbsup:

between the 360/ps3, the ACTUAL cost has been the same. given that im on live OFTEN for a few games, and that im only on PSN for GT5, i can really appreciate how nice xbox live really is...

on the other hand, nintendoconnect works 100% of the time. and i LOVE the virtual console, and how quickly im in and out of games such as mario kart. its really perfect, and i dont have to listen to how many 12 year olds my mom has slept with.

at the end of the day, the 360 will ALWAYS be my go-to console. then the wii. and on thursdays... the ps3 :)
wow, good info
i'm dreading the RROD but the 4gb xbox i have seems to have a lot more ventilation
i've also considering running a fan on the systems while i use them
i should mention that they are all 1G style big consoles, not the little mini ones.

the fan is useless, problem with the big 360 is the lack of total ventilation. there are metal screens inside the plastic, those get clogged, no ventilation. no number of fans can stop dust.
ah, also did not know that
this 4gb, i guess is smaller than the older versions?
both sides have air vents, as well as half of the top of the unit
i'll prob never use it enough to have any issues
I'm definitely NOT pro-Anonymous. I understand why they're upset, and they have a right to be. The issue though, is that they've chosen to take action in a manner that cripples the functionality of the console for the vast majority of gamers, and as far as I know, they didn't bother to check with all those gamers beforehand to see if they'd be okay with it.

I'd guess that 90% of PS3 owners (and even that might be a conservative estimate) don't give two shits about the other OS function. They just want to get onnline and blow off some steam after a day of work/school/etc. Anonymous (a very small group within the larger group of PS3 owners) have taken that away from the rest of us through their actions. Like I said, they have a right to be angry, but this course of action isn't going to garner them any support or endear their cause to the larger majority of PS3 owners. It's just pissing everyone off at them.

And yeah, I figured this would just turn in to a "Piss on PS3" thread. That's why I didn't bother starting it myself...
ah, also did not know that
this 4gb, i guess is smaller than the older versions?
both sides have air vents, as well as half of the top of the unit
i'll prob never use it enough to have any issues

yeah the newer one are much smaller and i believe dont fail that least to this point

Yeah, the newer slim 360s aren't known for the RROD problem like the older ones are. Mine RROD'd 4 times, but it seems to be working alright for now...
I'm definitely NOT pro-Anonymous. I understand why they're upset, and they have a right to be. The issue though, is that they've chosen to take action in a manner that cripples the functionality of the console for the vast majority of gamers, and as far as I know, they didn't bother to check with all those gamers beforehand to see if they'd be okay with it.

I'd guess that 90% of PS3 owners (and even that might be a conservative estimate) don't give two shits about the other OS function. They just want to get onnline and blow off some steam after a day of work/school/etc. Anonymous (a very small group within the larger group of PS3 owners) have taken that away from the rest of us through their actions. Like I said, they have a right to be angry, but this course of action isn't going to garner them any support or endear their cause to the larger majority of PS3 owners. It's just pissing everyone off at them.

And yeah, I figured this would just turn in to a "Piss on PS3" thread. That's why I didn't bother starting it myself...

Anonymous is a bunch of neck bearded retards that think they speak for the world in what would be funny or awesome.

They've tried attacking our infrastructure at my office before and we flick them off our shoulder the like the shit eating flies they are.

It's retarded to be on their side, their actions have caused everyone a lot of grief of a holiday weekend for no reason than their own amusement. If you want to read the 'manifesto' for this attack be my guest:

Anonymous Suspends Attacks on PlayStation Network | GamePolitics

If you don't think those are the words of children I'd love to know what color the sky is on your world. If you're going to make a statement to the world about why your actions are indeed righteous, try choosing your words a bit better.

'Their propaganda regarding jailbreaking implies that it encourages piracy and thereby makes people lose their jobs, whereas jailbreaking actually just means you are making YOUR device do what it should do. Imagine if Microsoft forced you to use Internet Explorer instead of Firefox or Chrome. Imagine if they denied users from using any other web browser than their own. Many people would obviously be pissed... but then, why aren't you pissed at Sony? '

That just seems a little juvenile to me. While yes, I agree jail breaking should be well within your rights. I also believe the manufacturer is well within their rights to refuse service on a device that is modified outside of the normal working parameters.

This won't be solved by Sony. This will only be solved by a court decision that won't sit in appeals for the next hundred years. It's in the company's best interest for their hardware to only perform the actions that they want it to and how they want it to. This way Sony can manage exactly what kind of experience a user will have with their product and avoid the negative backlash from people who have essentially broken their machines.

Sony isn't doing anything illegal, Anonymous is. It's pretty simple. If they want to jailbreak their systems the law protects them (implicitly, and not explicitly, unfortunately). If Sony wants to push an update that makes their system more difficult to crack, that's also well within their rights and well within the jailbreakers right to crack that too.

I don't know why there's even a discussion on this. The above statement is coming from a Linux admin and a proponent of free software and free distribution of knowledge, but this country flourishes due to the development of closed source software and proprietary hardware and to ignore that fact is just ignorant.
I have had my 360 for about 4.5 years and have not had a rrod yet. I don't know if it matters, but I have always had it standing on its side. I need to go knock on some wood now.
Yeah go Annonymous! I bet the pro annonymous folks feel all warm and fuzzy now that they have access to this.

Here's what Sony UK indicates was exposed:

  • Name
  • Shipping address
  • Billing address
  • Country
  • E-mail address
  • Birthdate
  • PSN/Qriocity ID
  • PSN/Qriocity password
  • PSN/Qriocity security question and answer
  • Purchase history

Idendity theft is a great way to stick it to mean ol Sony....

Sony provides PSN update, confirms a 'compromise of personal information' (updated) -- Engadget
Sony has the right to restrict who and under what circumstance individuals access their network (obviously not the ability). However once they sell a console they trade all rights of ownership for the cash paid for that console. The console is purchased not rented or leased. If they don't like people jailbreaking their shit then ban that console from the psn.

Later losers, off to go play some NCAA Football on Xbox live...