2007.. whats your opinion?

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I would like to share you with a tale of mystery and surprise. A tale of how Bill Gates almost destroyed the world, and why we will never be without Spam.

It's a tale of enlightenment, and explanation. A story that involves you, and me. Or story begins with a near-trillionaire named Bill Gates.

Bill Gates has designed "Internet2". This is his idea of providing a "Real" internet. The internet the way it used to be. Without spam, pop-ups, viruses and the other muck and pure shit that we are faced with today, with today's completely fucked up and pissed on stupid ass internet.

An internet that not everyone will be allowed to post on. Nay, we had an internet that was free - but it was shat upon by dishonest people, impovershed south-east asians, Nigerian scumbags, haitian lawlessness and Albanian abuse. This new Internet would not be free, for speech nor in access. It would cost and it would be perfect. Fast. True. Full of information with none of the utter shit that "Free use" had brought about.

And I think that's Evil. I don't think it would be evil because of it's exclusion of the Thai, The Filipinos, the Albanians and the Pacific Islanders - I think it's Evil, because it's being fought tooth and nail by the forces of Good.

That Good, pure force that drives us foreward into a proper evolution of society and human accomplishment believes that some day we will overcome the evils of Spam, Pop-ups, scams and other complete drull not by banning such things, but by overcoming them. That, and Internet2 would cause the end of mankind within 20 years.

"Wow, that's a stretch" one might say to me. "To say that Bill Gates will destroy the human race is something funny, to be sure - but you can't be serious"

I am. Bill Gates, however good his intent, could destroy mankind. And it took the fine logic and infinite wisdom at NASA to show me the way.

Internet2, you see, is based on Satellites. Bill would personally finance over 2000 satellites to hang out in low orbit, all sharing information at speeds that make today's internet connection seem stupid. The problem here is that 2000 satellites make for an awfully crowded section of space. And here is where the more intelligent will argue : "Cel, these are geo-synchronous. They will be there, but they won't be in the way". I thought the same. Until NASA showed me more :

The chances of a Satellite having a problem is slim. Like, really slim. It's about 1 in 2000 or so.

Which makes failure of Internet2 pretty much a given. Shucks. But think about what happens if one of those failures is Hardware based. Basically, a piece of space dust or debris from the 1981 Shuttle mission hits one of the 2000 satellites. That's a great big fat chance. So this satellite crumbles and it's pieces enter into the field of low-orbit satellites.

In 1 year Internet2 would be diminished into nothing. And it won't stop. It won't stop for, mathematically, about 20 years. When there is so much debris in space that we have locked ourselves onto the planet. Space exploration ? Future fuels ? Going to the Moon ? Mars ? Making a call across the state ? Gone. Gone, never coming back.

Wow. Next time you think of, write to, or get a chance to visit NASA tell them "Celerity says 'thanks'"

On a sidebar, I have come up with my new goal in life. Well, "a" new goal. I'm going to obliterate CHINA. Yes I am. They have pissed me off that much that I now wish them to be dead. You see, China (As you may read on the front page of CNN) has launched a missile specifically designed to knock out a satellite. And it did.

It broke the Satellite into hundreds of pieces. <--------- I bet that statement means more to you NOW than it did 10 minutes ago.

And everyone has been calling me tonight, and they have asked me "Why is the US Government so upset ? So china has the power to knock out our military satellites, it's their right!" And then CNN and the major media come up with this "According to our defense leaders and military leaders, this is a direct affront to our defense and communication satellites!"

Truth be told, They don't give a shit about our GPS Satellites, Tracking satellites nor the media's precious little "Bush's spy photography satellites".

The US Government, and NASA are [/b]FREAKING THE FUCK OUT[/b] because China just spelled the beginning of the end of mankind.

Down with China. Discuss.

-> Steve
All in all, another example of how worrying about pole shifts, rogue asteroids, comets and robot takeovers is NOTHING compared to what is happening right here, right now.
Maybe I just need to be really baked for you to make sense, but I see where you're going with this Cel, and for once I agree.
Celerity is describing Kessler Syndrome, a scenario where so much space debris exists that it sets off a chain reaction destroying more and more satellites until it's impossible to fly satellites at all without them getting hit.
Well, not only won't we be able to launch satellites, but space missions, the space station, anything. Phones, the internet, everything. It will set us back dramatically .
so uh... whats the plan for china?
this should be an interesting read
and if you take out china who's going to float the US debt?
Cel, go download an anime called PlanetES. It's basically about this problem. Massive amounts of crap in orbit... nobody gives a shit until a passenger spacecraft gets destroyed by a bolt travelling at about 7 miles per second. So the space agency formed what would be an orbital garbage collector division.

Anyway, the problem of high speed debris is a big one and has been long before China started blasting satellites with missiles.
What Internet2 is going to take away my porn? Down with Gates! Off with his head!
wow...i totally agree with you Cel...lets take out China right now while we have the chance and keep them from blowing up satellites that when these explosions in space take place...it just adds to the millions of space debri that are already out there...i see exactly where you are going with this...hmmm...FUTURE JOB OPPORTUNITY AT NASA!!!!!!!

about 60% of the earth's problems eminate from south east asia. The solution is to sanction them into abject poverty and move american busineses into place.
Celerity for President is something that gains it's own momentum. Mottos write themselves :)

Platform = The EXACT world domination manifest destiny, world control, economic nightmare and racial wars that everyone THOUGHT Bush was responsible for :)