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Re fucking diculous. The list of people that support this bullshit is a whos-who of complete assholes on american soil. Noam Chomsky, Susan Sarandon, that fat whore in Texas who went on a hunger strike of exotic smoothies and gained 25 pounds (Then told everyone she fasted for 45 days) and then said that if she had a time machine she would kill George Bush WHAT A LOONY TRUCK LOAD OF VULTURES AND SHIT SNIFFERS
can you imagine what the response would be if there were comic books in public schools detailing how the Left was destroying Morals and Values in America or illustrating the Anti American movement prominent in our institutions of higher learning? They would say it was "unconstitutional" and ban it within a week
I have nothing educated to say about all of this because politics and myself are quite distant, but after reading that article, I am convinced that it's about time we had one less state along with a vast amount of retards.
I give you the progression of Democracy throughout mankind

Country started by free thinkers

Prodominatly Conservative founders set rules to favor a more liberal community to make the community fair to everyone (and what's the harm everyone is of a conservative moral fiber)

Hard work breeds unlimited prosperity

laws in place coupled with new found wealth and prosperity foster a lazy, liberal sect of society usually hallmarked with power and wealth

sect of liberals effect the populous who they win over with their popularity

liberal society attempts to take over as a whole

conservative and moderate base resist and turn away from now too liberal government

conservative dictator takes over with the support of a country that sick of left wing politics and bureaucracy

study what happened in Rome before it fell to Julius Ceasar, then compare with America today, scary
You're picking out situations that resemble the fall of Rome out of convenience.

Try picking out and comparing our history to the history of Starfleet in Star Trek. They parallel too.
blah it happened in Greece too

the 3 greatest free nations in the history of man all follow the same time line= history repeating itself

some Star Trek reference (and to input my own geek reference Star Wars 1-3)= Art imitating life

big difference
well I mean with all of these people who say shit like "the US is just like Naziism!" You can pick out situations that make any government mirror any other government !

It's a liberal defense, cut it out of your arsenal
history repeating itself is just fact, and facts generally aren't the base of left wing talking points
The left speaks of national security with assuredness. This is because when it comes to National Security, we can't know the facts. Sorry, that's called "security". So the white house can't confirm nor deny shit when it comes to how we gather data, how we relate to Halliburton, or anything that we really want to know.

And because of that the conspiracy theorists go nuts. And I'm one of them, actually. I love listening to Alex Jones and the rest of his crew. I love conspiracy theory.

But what these arguments lack is resolution. If Bush was really the evil guy that everyone thinks he is, then we would have found WMD in Iraq. Susan Sarandon would be killed, and Rove would be a complete unknown.
It's San Francisco. If you've never been there, shut up. Everything is acceptable there. Home of the protesters, hippies, and all tree huggers. I enjoy going to SF every so often because there's a lot of nice things there. There's a lot more wrong with the education system...

And, just for the record, if you want your drugs legalized... I'd leave SF alone. :lol:
It's San Francisco. If you've never been there, shut up. Everything is acceptable there...

everything except being a military recruiter, a patriot, a republican, straight, or conservative.

they have an interesting perception of "tolerance"

and don't think they are all fringe crazies either, our speaker of the House Majority Whip is from there
wrong. the people who are there may disagree... blatently... by protesting... but they won't kill you. Remember... that's the last thing they'll do. In fact, I've been to a few of these 'marches' and there's always both sides of the issue protesting the other. Makes for some pretty funny fights... hippies vs. bull heads.
All I know is, that kids that have grown up in SF are already fucked to begin with. Cali is the leftist captial of the world, and will continue to be that way. I wouldn't doubt though that MA is #2.
i think you should look at the state. did you know that most of the Northern areas of the state (above the 'Bay Area') are actually "red?" The areas up there are spread out more, there isn't as many people in concentration.

I grew up in the SF bay area. If you say I'm fucked to begin with, I say... stay in Massechusetts. I love how people who have never been to San Francisco want to knock it. Come on over. We'll have some tea. Then you can tell me how much you hate it.
Not some much "fucked" as "slanted". But even if you have the slightest hint at being even a tiny bit conservative at birth, that isn't going last long. Granted, west coast culture naturally is more "liberal" than most other red states, but Cali is the epicenter for most things left and ridiculous.
You have apparently never been to San Diego. Thank you, drive thru.

EG- you have a point. But, that's not to say they don't exist at all. ;) There are plenty of rediculous things everywhere you go... but I can't say I'm not pleased with the new UCSF study that pot is good for AIDS patients. That is ONE thing I do agree with. Please legalize Cannabis. Trust me... a lot of problems will go away. If people are high, they're less likely to kill you. Another reason I don't mind hippies and democrats so much. They won't fight you. :D
I'm not THAT conservative that I think "omg, all hippies should die, kthx". No. I'm technically a "compassinate" conservative, mainly because I'm pro-choice and some of my side views are kinda lax. However, I'm anti-gun control, and so on and so fourth. Differing views are good for a country - but stupid viewpoints with baseless arguements get us nowhere.

I realize not ALL of Cali is weird, but damn - its close.