13 Birthdays today

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13 members are celebrating their birthday today
el pajaro(24), friz(38), Shocka1998LX(19), xlx_mr_honda_civic_hb_xlx(23), spence63(42), white_hot_wagon(20), 96civicb16(21), 92civicb18b1(18), mjfubar(21), Sasquatch(21), mullet(28), sleepersol(28), Alexs GSR(18)

HOLY CRAP thats alot of birthdays!! Happy Birthday y'all!!!

One for everyone. :lol:

And damn, he could have fooled me.

18 and driving in an Audi, big pimpin y0!
i thyink he plugged in the wrong date.... hes 19 i think :P
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jun 6 2005, 10:21 AM
damn, theres 13 more today too... happy b-day guys :P
[post=508496]Quoted post[/post]​

nope only 12 today, one person has two screen names