accord automatic to manual?

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i've looked around and can't find a list of required parts for a 6th gen accord for a automatic to manual conversion list of parts i will need, i just know i need either a 6th gen manual tranny or 92 and up prelude tranny, thank you all

o and i'm swapping a 2001 4dr accord 2.3L ex to manual
well there's the basics. You need the pedal box, the instrument panel, the clutch master, the clutch slave, the lines, the wiring harness ( for the starter sw), the ecu has to be changed for a 5spd ecu and the older tranny may not have all the connections that the computer is looking for.....but I may be wrong about that.
Shift cables, Shifter assy, clutch and brake pedal assy., Shift knob and
boot, Clutch master and slave cyl's, clutch line, tranny of your choice (
F22, F23, H23, H22) Pass. side tranny mount, Driver side half shaft and
intermediat shaft, 5spd starter for the yr and model tranny. Misc bolts and
hard ware for all of this. Clutch assy, flywheel. I'm sure there might be
something I forgot but this is most of it. Good luck