After marker rev limiter onto B16A1 OBD0?

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Weird question and i know what the answer will be but here goes lol.

My 91' CRX B16A1 has has the chipped and for some mad reason a previous owner has taken the limiter off.
It has a limiter when the car is not moving but on the go theres nothing. i found this out the hard way on a very rainy day on a corner on a hill when the car started to spin and i wasn't watching the revs so it went off the clock and broke the bottom od the pist at the guggon pin, broke one valve and bent afew while also getting metal into every cyclinder and wrecking the combustion chamber for each cylinder.

But enough of that .....

The guy that does my mapping is a hard man to get to start work so this is my idea until such times as he starts so please don't suggest getting it mapped again. He does mine for free and also maps my BMW's too for free lol.

Is it possible to fit an after market rev limiter to an OBD0 B16A1?
Well, you could do something to put the ECU into limp mode. Then it'll stop revving somewhere around 4500. That's a ghetto fix, but hey, it'll keep this from happening again. The correct way to do this is to have a stock map put back on the chip inside the ECU.
There's no such thing as 2 rev limiters.

if you hit one when not moving, you have one.

Odds are, you put it in 2nd when you were doing 100 mph, and no rev limiter is going to stop the physical transmission spinning the engine faster then it should.
Matts96HB - Thanks for your reply. Be no good in limp home mode, no power then lol. I'm just going to keep at this dude to get it mapped again with a limiter.

Briansol - What the fuck are you on about lad? lol Yes there is a limiter when nbot moving but when on the go there is none. So yes you are half right there lol. Where did you get this idea i changed into second? What speed was i going and what gear was i in before i apparently changed into second?
As stated, it's impossible. There is no such thing as 2 different rev limiters on the ecu chip. period. I've tuned cars and know the inner works of most major software. It doesn't exist. the only way to put a second one would be to put like an MSD ingition delay box inline that attaches to the VSS. And i've never seen that done either.

The only way to go over a limiter is to physcially be going faster than the rpm allows in a gear. if you can rev out at 60mph in 2nd (for example) but are going 100 when you bang 2nd, the transmission will not lock you out. if you jam it in and release the clutch, your engine will spin 12,000 rpms until it breaks valves... which is exactly what you did.

topping out 3rd and hitting 2nd instead of 4th is what it sounds like you did... no rev limiter can stop physics.
yup, just what b said, i did this a few years back in my rsx, topped 3rd out then hit 2nd instead of 4th lol, it sounded amazing, i was like where did that cbr go that just passed me doing 200mph, but i noticed it was me, thought a done messed something up, luckily all i got was an over rev code.
Sorry to say your wrong guys but i didn't change gears, i was still in second as i had only just came out of a junction and she spun abit in first so changed up. It was the combination f her spinning, on a hill on a corner and me watching for traffic was what caused me to get caught in the moment of just enjoying the engine note that caused it to rev beyond that certain point and cause failure.

As for not being able to have two limiters i am not going to risk my engine again to show that on the move it has a limit at over 9000rpm as thats what would be needed but i am only going by what happened me. Stand still there is a limiter and on the move there doesn't seem to be one, or one at a usable rpm, which would explain the engine failure and the fact that i didn't change gears at or just before that point.
im confused, are you saying your ecu has a 2 step, ( limiter sitting still then another after youre on the move )