anchor refuses to read paris hilton news

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You think they actually design the clothes? Or help to perfect the scent?

Hell no, they don't do shit. They don't make any business decisions, they have enough money to pay people to do their job and make them more money. All they have to do is look pretty and pose for the advertisement and they roll in the dough.
Their input on the clothing and fragrances.

//On the way to the club//
//Privacy window rolls down//
Person in passenger seat: "Hey, Paris, you want a clothing line and a perfume?"
Paris:"That's hot."

And this bullshit that she had one drink and blew a .08. Sorry, I don't think so.

And when Larry asked her if she had a problem and she said no, not at all. Um, you have a DUI and a DUI with a suspended license. I admit that I drink to much and I don't have a DUI. I smartened up about drinking and driving when I was like 19. Your 26, thats pathetic.
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Their input on the clothing and fragrances.

//On the way to the club//
//Privacy window rolls down//
Person in passenger seat: "Hey, Paris, you want a clthing line and a perfume?"
Paris:"That's hot."


BTW, being a shop manager rules, dead time=hondaswap
I work for the government.

All day = hondaswap.

Department head of major university = all day.