Andrew's engine swap (pics)

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sorry but im new in this site , your intress is in car or to piss of people on this site ! i ask for a question no a coment !

Like what was already said, it's not a good idea of "Hi-jack" a thread: going off topic on something the OP (Original poster) isn't talking about.

Start your own thread and ask your question. People will help you out.
Andrew, consider a T25 maybe. I think thats a lil bigger than what you had. I dont remember the size, and im too lazy to read up :P

But I hear they spool nice and quick on the b16's. And, they dont peter out too bad in the top. Well, take it easy.
when I was building a setup for my minime, this guy whos real big in dsm's was pushin me toward a t25, they spool around 2.5k I believe, and they go a decent bit
yeeahhhh.... bout that....
I haven't been in my shop at all haha....

This weekend has been crazy... long story short:
-mom left saturday morning to go out of town leaving me in charge of her puppy and all the other critters in the house. (for a solid week. she'll be back this weekend)
-the first day/night she leaves I manage to loose her puppy, leave the kitten out at night and he got in a fight and got his eye scratched/swollen completely shut.
-I got the puppy back Sunday afternoon. Someone had picked him up after a party(b/c he was following them out to the road) and took him home/cleaned him up/ called the party hosts(who live in our neighborhood) and said they have it. By this time I'd knocked on the party host's door and asked if they'd seen him, they said no, then called their friends and they brought the pup back. I emptied my wallet for 'em and they wen't on their merry way.(really nice young couple)
-Kitty's eye is back to normal and fully functional
-I don't have a headache any more from all of this.
-we've still got a week to play with before the 'rents get home :p

I'm gonna put that turbo back together and get ready to take it back this week or so. (but damn it, Halo 3 is going to eat ALL of my time this week.. but luckily I only work M/W/F/S so it's all good.(my boss is out of town this week, too, so I'm ALSO watching his company lolz.... these people seem to think i'm responsible... HAHA!)

Ugh /rant.

I'm going to order that control arm bushing kit when I get the money. I absolutely HATE not getting any hours. I went from $400-600 a week to ~$200 a month. :thumbsdown: x INFINITY

Damned edumacation...
Ahh, I hate going back to school after summer.

Everything just sucks. No more late nights, and you lose hours at work. What a bitch. Screw education, all I need is my job as a courtesy clerk at albertsons! ahaha!
Losing hours sucks. I left my second job at Shaw's after 3 years because they wanted me to work nights - right after my 6-330 shift at my machine shop. Unfortunately I lost the 11 or so hours over the weekend - the $100ish less dollars a week are noticable.

Although we just got a contract with Boeing and we need to deliver 5000 parts a month for 18 months. Hello, overtime.

Anyway, back on topic.

It's crazy to think this thread has gotten so big. I remember reading this when it started and saying "wow, hes gonna do a wire tuck and a built D-series, sweet!".
Just stick with it dude. :cool:
Haha.. yeah... It's worth it, though. I'm going to have one killer career as an A & P mechanic...
So I'm not sweating it.

It just sucks when you wanna do stuff to your car but can't afford to! lol...
haha yeah i kno man, my GM never did his job, he always made me make him the biggest sandwhich ever, it was like a triple but with 5 pieces of meat and every condiment there was lol, it was the nastiest thing ever, and he had like 2 biggie fries to lol