Any one vacation at Myrtle Beach?

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Wow, that's a little more than I'm looking to spend haha. I might just end up staying at a friend's family's motel down there, looks pretty nice and they've been there a few times. Pretty cheap too, 300 ft from the beach. Maybe we'll just stay there Friday, Saturday and get a cheap hotel inland for thursday night.
$200/night is pretty standard for a decent hotel room beachfront.
we stayed at avon about 5 years back. best vacation ever lol, we rented a house and had the whole family there. and if you go to the obx you need to go to ocracoke island, and go to howards pub (if it hasnt closed)
Saw Ocracoke Island. I was like 12 at the time, so Howards Pub probably wasn't too big on the agenda. We did take pictures at Dirty Dicks Crab Shack, and Try My Nuts. We rented a house from Midgett Realty there in Avon, and the rate is still sub 800 dollars per week. They do have some good weekend deals, but it might be too late to book. I'm not really worried it being a 5 star hotel or anything, the extent of my pickyness is it has to be a non-smoking room b/c I'm asthmatic, can't be really scuzzy, like roaches, bed stains, that sorta thing, and I want to be above 50% sure that I'm not going to get raped and murdered in the middle of the night.