Anyone want my job?

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so you start the new one next monday right?

did you current employer try and match wages etc? i forgot how that all turned out
yes, i start a week from today.

They counter-offered me when I put in my 2 weeks, and it was quite reasonable, just... not enough to beat the new offer. The VP also offered me to come back if this place doesn't work out, so i have a fall back. I guess i did good work or something :D
They counter-offered me when I put in my 2 weeks, and it was quite reasonable,

did you tell them that if they had been paying you that all along you would have never looked for another job...?
no. i'm leaving on good terms, not bad mouthing. lol a lot of people are quitting or looking due to low wages. but fact is, its what almost everyone is paying.
If i was a bloke at my job, it would be a fiar salary. But, I bust my ass, work a lot of hours, and more so, i know what's up when it comes to building scripts and stuff :P
vtecsir1 said:
always leave on good terms like you did; you never want to burn any bridges.
Exactly, I still do contract work from time to time with my old job at 4x what they were paying me before. :)