B Series Axle Question

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is the P28 running a D16 in the black hatch? i dont think a P30 will run a D well, it might tho still.

o i saw you drivin like a week ago in hobart. revin up 1st gear. lol

yea that was me for sure...the p28 is runnin a d15b sohc vtec. but if you unplug say the map sensor it wont display that code..only flashes once soo wtf! lol
ok my friend has a b16a wit some shit done to it but he wants somethig else... im gonna get it from him to replace my d16 its has less than 80k mi... but the quetion wat all do i need to get for the swap... its in his ef and i have a eg that was auto so i need those innovative mounts auto to 5sp and for cable tranny... its the xsi engine from hmo... but do i need axles or anything else... my car is d16 wit 5sp was auto car b4 i bought it and its a hatch dx... wit hydro tranny