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Dont we all. You better be a track/drag racer, street racing isnt worth the risk anymore. Especially with my near "stunt driving" charge for almost going 50km over the limit, no point.
Last night my brother an I drove about a mile from our house, at midnight. He has an Integra LS it's a 96. I have a 95 coupe with a b20b swap. Both cars have brand new clutch kits an are both in great condition. It's a double laned highway, no cars insight. We lined them up an raced a few times, never saw one car the entire time. Anyways, the point of this story is, if you wanna save a little money a b20 might be around the same price range as an LS but the performance of a stock b20 compared to a stock LS is some what better. I'm going b20/Vtec, thats something you could do after the fact also..
Put your $1000 in the bank and add another thousand to it. Get a b18a1 for $900ish, build a turbo kit for $1100. Could hit 200whp. And be somewhat reliable.
how exactly is it you expect to attract attention with a turbo kit?
does your car not have a hood?:D

it's your actions that attract attention.

somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 200whp very attainable on a boosted Z6 with a good tune?
I think I'm juss gunna save a Lil more and and run my engine in my car now till it goes out and go from there..
If you want something fast, and cheap than have your D16 rebuilt, and boost that. There's tons of retarded fast sohcs out there.