B18b1 Into '91 Integra?

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my friend is asking me to find him information on swapping a B18B1 into '91 Integra.. is this possible? if so where can i find information for it? i have looked fairly well on the internet but i am not well versed in the ways of cars.. if you have anything that can help please reply or email nothin@i-ontheweb.com
It is possible, but unless it needs a new engine, this is probably a waste of time. You're gonna be dealing with an OBD jump just for like 12 hp and 7 ft/lbs of torque; unless you do engine swaps for a living, this is too big a task for such a minimal gain. If you are looking for performance, the next step is to LS/VTEC or go toward the GSR or Type-R. But yeah, it's possible. Few sensors here, few plugs there, new ECU, few turns of the wrench, that's about it.
why wouldnt the swap be possible? its almost exactly the same engine pretty much. dont waste your time on a b18b1. its not that much of a gain. if you cant for a b18c engine, go w/ LS vtec. put a b16a head on a LS and change a few internals and your pretty much done. since the ls vtec will have low compression go to albertson's and buy some uncle ben's rice and boost it.