Bush/Cheney 2004 bumperstickers

  • Thread starter Thread starter CRX-YEM
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economy recovering. um have you not looked at unemployment numbers lately.
has the company you work for even metioned the idea of needing to hire. The economy at most is just starting to become stable.
I work for the military dude, we hire every year. And while Unemployment rates have not seen a significant improvement, the economic growth rate for the last two quaters has been above expected. Employment will rise as a result but is generally not the first thing to be effected
If you happen to know anything about econmics, which I don't, but about every eight (8) years, the economy slows down. Some act of God or something, but Clinton, ASSHOLE, got elected when the economy was going on a rise. Bust Sr. got stuck with it going downhill. Reagan, got lucky while it was on the rise. Secondly, what did Clinton do? Get Impeached, that is just fuckin' sad when the majority of people in this country know that our former president was a cheater, before he did anything good for this country.

Now a little History, does anybody recall the Great Depression. Who got us out of that, a Republican by the name of Franklin D. Roosevelt. How did he get us out of it? He declared war on the Axis Powers. The war created jobs for people, put the economy back on trak, and in the end put the U.S. on the Superpower. What does that remind you of? Well, for me, Osama Bin Laden bombing the World Trade Centers, Bush figures hey, I can't find the damn terriost, might as well go to war witht the nation's who pay for the funding and harbor them. While I am at it take out Sadam who has known chemical/biological and nuclear weapons. Well Bush declares war, now the economy is going back up, funny how war effects economy for the better. Now I have a question, how many people wanted peace after we got BOMBED by Japan. Not too many. Why is it now, if we get BOMBED and INNOCENT civilians die we need to keep peace, but if it is a military base it is personal? Answer, fuckin "DEMOCRAPS."
Originally posted by Frankie P.@Sep 19 2003, 01:08 PM
what did Clinton do? Get Impeached, that is just fuckin' sad when the majority of people in this country know that our former president was a cheater, before he did anything good for this country.

Clinton didn't actually get impeached, he did finish out his term
and didn't run in 2000
Actually, dumb ass, he was impeached. If you know what it means, impeached means to be taken under trial. What didn't happen was, he didn't get kicked out of office or resign. Since our founding fathers, who wrote the constitution, thought that most men had the morals to not cheat on there wives, they didn't need to put it in the constitution, therefore, Clinton got off, in more ways than one. Also a man with his power could have at least gotten a fine looking woman.

Page 2, like you, :owned:
yeah I forgot it went to trial.

and impeach actually means to be charge with a crime,
not to be taken under trial
Originally posted by SiR Kid@Sep 19 2003, 12:24 AM
Bush needs to get appropriations to sieze the bank accounts of all the rich oil tycoon that are funding these terrorist agencies. I'd be willing to bet that the war and A LOT more makeup change would be taken over if he could get the UN to agree to this.

Also, why doesn't the US take over F'ing Iraq?!  We could SERIOUSLY use the revenue, the oil supplies, and the new jobs for people willing to relocate... Like ME!!! :)

Pay me 100k/year plus relocation fees. I'd gladly go be an oil slinger.

in my right hand i hold this hermetically sealed envelope....
....opening envelope......

"Take over Iraq" ......

Im guessing (and hoping) that you are joking from that due to the fact a fucking 6th grader would be able to tell you at least 3 things that are wrong with that statement....

"Bush needs to get appropriations to sieze the bank accounts of all the rich oil tycoon that are funding these terrorist agencies. "

/captain obvoius

greeeeeeeeeeeeat. if it were that simple, it would have allready been done.

seriously dude.
If your post was meant to be a joke, ok.

But if you were serious about your proposed solutions, then i suggest you drop out of college. If this is the best a college student can offer......


im not asking you to agree with me on these issues. all im asking you to do is THINK before you speak. and write posts with thought, insight and a little bit of independant thinking...
Originally posted by CRX-YEM@Sep 19 2003, 12:12 PM

Clinton didn't actually get impeached, he did finish out his term
and didn't run in 2000

I would hope he didn't run again, you can't be elected to a third term as president MORON!!

Do us a favor and don't post in political forums
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Sep 18 2003, 08:47 PM
i also think he ought to level the country whose people who are suicide bombing the jews

Arafat or whoever he is......bomb their country.

why are they picking on the jewish people for? im not jewish, and i happen to like

jewish people. what did they ever do to deserve that kinda treatment?

get rid of all those fanatical third world, 12th century minded fucks......

That is the most ridiculous thing man, did you stop to think why they are bombing the jews? After world war II the jews were put in what is now "Isreal," by great brittan and were told that this is their new land. They were entering the holy land of 3 major religons, however a muslim coutry was already astablished there. Palistine was there before Isreal, and at first there was some termoil, then there was an agreement to just divide the land and the Isralies segragated the palistinians to there own area of the country not even trying to share. This hypocritical action was coming from the Jews who have been escaping segrigation and opression for years. Then the palistinians fought back and for some land, that was taken from them so the jews just started taking more land, and they are doing that to this day.
I am Jewish, and I refuse to support Isreal in anyway. What that country is doing does not represent what the jewish religon is about. Isreal is segragating and opprssing another people soley because the have a different religon than them. If you ask me it sounds like Germany 1939-1945, Ancient Egypt, and so many other cases where the jews have been oppressed. Just because it was done to you does not make it right to do it to others...

P.S. Those bumper stickers are funny :lol:
Originally posted by Silverchild79+Sep 19 2003, 02:29 PM-->
@Sep 19 2003, 12:12 PM

Clinton didn't actually get impeached, he did finish out his term
and didn't run in 2000

I would hope he didn't run again, you can't be elected to a third term as president MORON!!

Do us a favor and don't post in political forums

I'm such a dumb ass, and this is why I should make a habit of thinking before posting. I couldn't rember why clinton slipped my mind he was in office for 2 terms didn't run I assumed it was out of sheer embarrasment
Originally posted by MaaseyRacer+Sep 19 2003, 01:46 PM-->
@Sep 18 2003, 08:47 PM
i also think he ought to level the country whose people who are suicide bombing the jews

Arafat or whoever he is......bomb their country. 

why are they picking on the jewish people for?  im not jewish, and i happen to like

jewish people.  what did they ever do to deserve that kinda treatment?

get rid of all those fanatical third world, 12th century minded fucks......

That is the most ridiculous thing man, did you stop to think why they are bombing the jews? After world war II the jews were put in what is now "Isreal," by great brittan and were told that this is their new land. They were entering the holy land of 3 major religons, however a muslim coutry was already astablished there. Palistine was there before Isreal, and at first there was some termoil, then there was an agreement to just divide the land and the Isralies segragated the palistinians to there own area of the country not even trying to share. This hypocritical action was coming from the Jews who have been escaping segrigation and opression for years. Then the palistinians fought back and for some land, that was taken from them so the jews just started taking more land, and they are doing that to this day.
I am Jewish, and I refuse to support Isreal in anyway. What that country is doing does not represent what the jewish religon is about. Isreal is segragating and opprssing another people soley because the have a different religon than them. If you ask me it sounds like Germany 1939-1945, Ancient Egypt, and so many other cases where the jews have been oppressed. Just because it was done to you does not make it right to do it to others...

P.S. Those bumper stickers are funny :lol:

well whatever the reasons, still. the jews have been persecuted for waaaay too long. So whatever they land they can take, im all for it. yes it is a simplified answer, no it does not offer any tangible solution. i just feel the jewish people should be given a break.

i like the jews. leave it at that.

That is the most ridiculous thing man, did you stop to think why they are bombing the jews? After world war II the jews were put in what is now "Isreal," by great brittan and were told that this is their new land. They were entering the holy land of 3 major religons, however a muslim coutry was already astablished there. Palistine was there before Isreal

How do you figure that? According to the Jews I know, it has been going on between the two since, oh, around the time the Bible was written.

As far as Bush, not the sharpest tool in the shed, but neither are most of the dumbass's that come up with halfassed, halfthoughtout, reasons for hating him. So he went to war, and? That's what people who lead countries sometimes have to do. Do you think you could do better, then run for fucking president. If it is so easy, and others are doing it soooo wrong, and you tihnk you can take the stress and descisions that keep a nation going, than exercise your RIGHTS. Step up or step the fuck off already. This isn't just for people bashing the president, it's for anyone that is another armchair commando, screaming and crying about shit tey can'y in reality fathom.
Originally posted by 92b16vx@Sep 19 2003, 02:54 PM
How do you figure that? According to the Jews I know, it has been going on between the two since, oh, around the time the Bible was written.

there's nothing to 'figure'. its a fact. when the british started their occupation in 1917 or 1918, i can't remember, 90% of the population was arab. more than half the jew's there had only recently imigrated to escape persecution in europe.

when the brits decided to end their occupation in '47, despite the fact that jews only owned and occupied about 5% of the land, over 50% was given to them. arab land owners were told to sell their land, and if they refused, it was seised. now jews own something like 80% and occupy a majority of the palestinian settlements.

you can just displace millions of people and expect nothing to happen.
Originally posted by Tonyd0821@Sep 19 2003, 11:39 AM

i like the jews. leave it at that.


Jewish People make the best fricking bagels ever.

I can live off of Noah's bagels for years on end.
Originally posted by 92b16vx@Sep 19 2003, 02:54 PM
That is the most ridiculous thing man, did you stop to think why they are bombing the jews? After world war II the jews were put in what is now "Isreal," by great brittan and were told that this is their new land. They were entering the holy land of 3 major religons, however a muslim coutry was already astablished there. Palistine was there before Isreal

How do you figure that? According to the Jews I know, it has been going on between the two since, oh, around the time the Bible was written.

As far as Bush, not the sharpest tool in the shed, but neither are most of the dumbass's that come up with halfassed, halfthoughtout, reasons for hating him. So he went to war, and? That's what people who lead countries sometimes have to do. Do you think you could do better, then run for fucking president. If it is so easy, and others are doing it soooo wrong, and you tihnk you can take the stress and descisions that keep a nation going, than exercise your RIGHTS. Step up or step the fuck off already. This isn't just for people bashing the president, it's for anyone that is another armchair commando, screaming and crying about shit tey can'y in reality fathom.

Past disagreeances (that was an original word i just created.....) aside.....

im now starting to agree with your ideas wholeheartedly :D
Originally posted by SixtySecondAssassin+Sep 19 2003, 09:33 PM-->
@Sep 19 2003, 02:54 PM
How do you figure that? According to the Jews I know, it has been going on between the two since, oh, around the time the Bible was written.

there's nothing to 'figure'. its a fact. when the british started their occupation in 1917 or 1918, i can't remember, 90% of the population was arab. more than half the jew's there had only recently imigrated to escape persecution in europe.

when the brits decided to end their occupation in '47, despite the fact that jews only owned and occupied about 5% of the land, over 50% was given to them. arab land owners were told to sell their land, and if they refused, it was seised. now jews own something like 80% and occupy a majority of the palestinian settlements.

you can just displace millions of people and expect nothing to happen.

Holy shit?!?!?! Do you really think this started in the fucking forties because of Hitler and the British? Here have a brief history lesson on Jewish displacement., This one starts at 70 AD and follows till the Paris peace talks. But the jest of what your talking about, is thousands that went to Palestine, compared to the millions that came to the US, we didn't go to war with them or bomb them because they were here. And they came mostly from Russia, and other Slovak nations where conditions were becomeing mor and more unfavorable. Jews came from Isreal, they weren't displaced to there.
Originally posted by 92b16vx+Sep 19 2003, 04:25 PM-->
Originally posted by SixtySecondAssassin@Sep 19 2003, 09:33 PM
@Sep 19 2003, 02:54 PM
How do you figure that? According to the Jews I know, it has been going on between the two since, oh, around the time the Bible was written.

there's nothing to 'figure'. its a fact. when the british started their occupation in 1917 or 1918, i can't remember, 90% of the population was arab. more than half the jew's there had only recently imigrated to escape persecution in europe.

when the brits decided to end their occupation in '47, despite the fact that jews only owned and occupied about 5% of the land, over 50% was given to them. arab land owners were told to sell their land, and if they refused, it was seised. now jews own something like 80% and occupy a majority of the palestinian settlements.

you can just displace millions of people and expect nothing to happen.

Holy shit?!?!?! Do you really think this started in the fucking forties because of Hitler and the British? Here have a brief history lesson on Jewish displacement., This one starts at 70 AD and follows till the Paris peace talks. But the jest of what your talking about, is thousands that went to Palestine, compared to the millions that came to the US, we didn't go to war with them or bomb them because they were here. And they came mostly from Russia, and other Slovak nations where conditions were becomeing mor and more unfavorable. Jews came from Isreal, they weren't displaced to there.

unfortunately, some of the major jewish "holy spots" are arab "holy spots" as well......

jews were at one holy temple thousands of years ago....arabs came in, wiped out a bunch of jews, and claimed the land as theirs....

its been going on for centuries and centuries.....

Regardless of what people claim the jews have done over the ages..

at LEAST they are not some fanatical fucks that suicide bomb other people and commit terrorism.....

and yes, i do know there are some "out there" sects of the jewish religion.
to each his own.

it all boils down to one basic priniciple....

Your freedom ends where the next man's begins.

follow that rule and there will be alot less stress and strife in this world.
Originally posted by 92b16vx+Sep 19 2003, 04:25 PM-->
Originally posted by SixtySecondAssassin@Sep 19 2003, 09:33 PM
@Sep 19 2003, 02:54 PM
How do you figure that? According to the Jews I know, it has been going on between the two since, oh, around the time the Bible was written.

there's nothing to 'figure'. its a fact. when the british started their occupation in 1917 or 1918, i can't remember, 90% of the population was arab. more than half the jew's there had only recently imigrated to escape persecution in europe.

when the brits decided to end their occupation in '47, despite the fact that jews only owned and occupied about 5% of the land, over 50% was given to them. arab land owners were told to sell their land, and if they refused, it was seised. now jews own something like 80% and occupy a majority of the palestinian settlements.

you can just displace millions of people and expect nothing to happen.

Holy shit?!?!?! Do you really think this started in the fucking forties because of Hitler and the British? Here have a brief history lesson on Jewish displacement., This one starts at 70 AD and follows till the Paris peace talks. But the jest of what your talking about, is thousands that went to Palestine, compared to the millions that came to the US, we didn't go to war with them or bomb them because they were here. And they came mostly from Russia, and other Slovak nations where conditions were becomeing mor and more unfavorable. Jews came from Isreal, they weren't displaced to there.

so what your basically saying is that its ok to kick people out of their homes because their ancestors lived there ~2000 years ago?

how many sucide bombings do you know of before '47?

the jews have been heavily persecuted over the years, by christians as well as muslims. thats no reason for the brits to take something that wasnt theirs and give it away.

besides expelling the majority of the arab inhabitants of palestine, and besides constantly attacking the neighboring arab states(lebanon, egypt, etc...) israel has also consistently harassed the UN observers and other personnel stationed along the armistice demarcation lines.