Bush/Cheney 2004 bumperstickers

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The main reason why they are fighting is over religion, they each think that they are right, and that the other is wrong. It is an oxymoron, religios war. Very stupid, but they seem to see it as the right way.
Originally posted by TrailorParkPimp@Sep 18 2003, 08:30 PM
i remember when Ronny "Ray Gun" was in office. he didnt take shit from no one!! especially from some little shit ass country!!

very similar to a quote from the movie Iron Eagle. r0x0r
This post really demonstrates what few of u know-NOTHING. The reason why the palestinians choose to suicide bomb the israelis is b/c of the fact they don't have any weapons, and they can't afford any either. Thats why they use the methods they use, b/c it is much easier to take up more lives that way. And what MaaseyRacer said is absolutely true. The world was all living in harmony till great britain decided to import some jews into what was known as palestine back then and now the fight continues not for religious reasons, but for reasons of survival. The palestinians have no where to go so they have nothing to lose at this point.
Wow, heated issue...

Gotta say I voted for Gore, and c'mon people... he won the election. Have you noticed how many liberal decisions the supreme court is making lately? They feel pretty damned bad for giving us Bush. Our deficit is skyrocketing, the foreign trade gap continues to skyrocket, and what do we have to show for it? We removed Saddam, who we propped up in the first place... big deal, some other shmuck will take over and whoo-ey, will he ever make Saddam look like the easter bunny. We got rid of Osama? Not really, he has said that the next attack on the US will be "unbelievable". And not only that, his entire realm of influence comes from CIA blood money. (To fight the evil soviets, who were so oooobbbviously intent on taking over the world). I think the problem really lies in the fact that we, as Americans, are so will to be idiotes (greek word, look it up) that we are blind to the suffering of the world. Iraq wants us out, I say we leave... what right does Bush have to keep sending young men and women to die so that his popularity rises a few points... Get real people, Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

Don't get me started on the economy... yes, economies rise and fall in cycles... that is the very nature of capitalism, but we are not in a strict laissez-faire economy. We have things called government controls and regulations, look at the new deal before world war II, it pulled our economy out of the shitter... And yes, you folks are right, wars do provide economic boost, but it causes all sorts of other problems in the long run.

Democrats are certainly not perfect, but is there ever a perfect party? I mean, to be honest, I think somebody like McCain, who can string more than a sentence together, should be the republicans front runner... but no, they want a puppet who can keep the cogs of big business greased. Bush is the perfect man for that job...

I hope to hell we don't get stuck with him for another 4 years... I don't think the country can take it...

Thanks for listening to my two cents.
Originally posted by Silverchild79@Sep 19 2003, 06:29 PM
Do us a favor and don't post in political forums


That's the reason why I've pretty much stayed out of this forum...but I had to read through some of it just now. :ph34r:

btw... I just have to say :gives:

Something for all you liberals to remember.... Bush maybe a little slow but Gore is a pussy, a criminal, and........ a Moron has everyone forgotten the stupid shit he did and said while VP.
Originally posted by chevy302dz@Sep 21 2003, 11:28 AM
Something for all you liberals to remember.... Bush maybe a little slow but Gore is a pussy, a criminal, and........ a Moron has everyone forgotten the stupid shit he did and said while VP.

Not to mention Tipper Gores nazi campain to eliminate "unsavory" music from existance. Hello Parental Advisory stickers and crappy editted Sam Goddie versions of CD's so the mass's don't get their fragile ears offended.
Something for all you liberals to remember.... Bush maybe a little slow but Gore is a pussy, a criminal, and........ a Moron has everyone forgotten the stupid shit he did and said while VP.

My favorite one is when Gore said that he invented the internet. Yet Bush is the dumb ass, go figure.

Wow, heated issue...

Gotta say I voted for Gore, and c'mon people... he won the election. Have you noticed how many liberal decisions the supreme court is making lately? They feel pretty damned bad for giving us Bush. Our deficit is skyrocketing, the foreign trade gap continues to skyrocket, and what do we have to show for it? We removed Saddam, who we propped up in the first place... big deal, some other shmuck will take over and whoo-ey, will he ever make Saddam look like the easter bunny. We got rid of Osama? Not really, he has said that the next attack on the US will be "unbelievable". And not only that, his entire realm of influence comes from CIA blood money. (To fight the evil soviets, who were so oooobbbviously intent on taking over the world). I think the problem really lies in the fact that we, as Americans, are so will to be idiotes (greek word, look it up) that we are blind to the suffering of the world. Iraq wants us out, I say we leave... what right does Bush have to keep sending young men and women to die so that his popularity rises a few points... Get real people, Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11.

Don't get me started on the economy... yes, economies rise and fall in cycles... that is the very nature of capitalism, but we are not in a strict laissez-faire economy. We have things called government controls and regulations, look at the new deal before world war II, it pulled our economy out of the shitter... And yes, you folks are right, wars do provide economic boost, but it causes all sorts of other problems in the long run.

Democrats are certainly not perfect, but is there ever a perfect party? I mean, to be honest, I think somebody like McCain, who can string more than a sentence together, should be the republicans front runner... but no, they want a puppet who can keep the cogs of big business greased. Bush is the perfect man for that job...

I hope to hell we don't get stuck with him for another 4 years... I don't think the country can take it...

Thanks for listening to my two cents.

If Gore won why is Bush in office? Umm, Sadam did do something, who gave Osama Bin Laden the funds to run his camps, buy the weapons, pay for the pilot training courses the terriosts took here, etc. Umm... Sadam, he wasn't the only one, but he was definetly the one who gave the most money. How can some other shmock take over, if we set up a Democratic government in Iraq, how will a Dictator take over? The only thing I have to agree with you on is that we didn't kill Osama, and he will attack again. We will never stop terrorism, but if we take out the people who fund it, we can keep it from being too devastating.

Remember, Sadam funded Osama, I want you to remember that. What problems, does war cause in the long run, if we are the only Superpower? WWII, caused the Cold War, I will give you that, and I will give the problems with Vietnam, but Korean, Desert Storm, this one, I don't see any problems. Which deal are you talking about that pulled our economy out of the "shitter" before world war II. I also like McCain better than Bush, but the Republican party, wanted to be the main party in office so why not go with Bush Jr? I know I would have.
Originally posted by Tonyd0821+Sep 18 2003, 10:43 PM-->
Frankie P.
@Sep 18 2003, 10:31 PM
So Bush isn't the smaterst of Presidents, but he doesn't take any shit, and that is what I like. I mean Christ, Clinton and that cruise ship crisis, WTF? Just in case you don't a cruise ship was attacked or taken hostage, and Clinton didn't do shit. I think all the people died. He didn't want to use force. Kiss my ass. If someone is in trouble, you help them out, in the end we are all American's, and that is my patriotic speech. Thank you and good night.

P.S. I sounded about as dumb as Bush. :doh:

quit ragging on bush's intelligence....

the guy just did a shitload of partying in college and fucked a few brain cells.....

big deal.

the fact remains is that Bush is a MAN. Unlike that wife cheating liberal clinton.....

id rather have a president who bombs a third world terrorist harboring nation ...

than one who teaches our kids it is ok to cheat on your wife.

wait, was that p.c.? im sorry, i dont want to offend any liberals who might think cheating on your wife is an o.k. thing to do.....

:werd: :Imwithstupid:
Originally posted by Frankie P.@Sep 21 2003, 10:08 AM
Remember, Sadam funded Osama, I want you to remember that.

WHOAAAA... the CIA funded Osama, to combat the Soviets in Afghanistan, it was the Taliban that let him set up shop in Afghanistan, Saddam had nothing to do with it... Osama was a US puppet, as was Saddam... And as for a "democratic" republic in Iraq, it won't happen because the majority population, Shiite muslims, strongly favor a religious regime, ala Iran. I think everyone is forgetting that you cannot simply impose a democratic republic on a populace... look what happened to Russia when they tried to copy the US brand of capitalism wholesale... these things take time, and the only way to bring these things about is through education. A country cannot simply invade another and expect that the conquered will adopt the conqueror's brand of morals.

I believe the best way to combat Osama is to have used his tactics against him... Send in a small unit to assassinate him and a select group of his lieutenants. I have nothing against using violence to further a country's aims, I just believe it must be applied in a more discriminatory fashion.
Oh, and by the way... we are the ones who are supporting assholes like Bin Laden, by buying gasoline from the sycophantic Saudi regime, which on one hand claims to support us, and on the other continues to fund terrorist training schools...
Gpre won the popular election, he had more votes nationally... and lost the election due to our outdated system of the electoral college. Bush would also have lost that had the supreme court not stopped Gore's lawsuit urging for a recount in Florida... I mean jeez, this stuff happened less than 2 years ago and already people have forgotten.
Originally posted by jiahanhao@Sep 22 2003, 06:33 PM
Oh, and by the way... we are the ones who are supporting assholes like Bin Laden, by buying gasoline from the sycophantic Saudi regime, which on one hand claims to support us, and on the other continues to fund terrorist training schools...
Gpre won the popular election, he had more votes nationally... and lost the election due to our outdated system of the electoral college. Bush would also have lost that had the supreme court not stopped Gore's lawsuit urging for a recount in Florida... I mean jeez, this stuff happened less than 2 years ago and already people have forgotten.

Gpre won the popular election, he had more votes nationally... and lost the election due to our outdated system of the electoral college

I didn't know Gpre even ran, I must have a shitty memory.

And who was the dumb ass, that couldn't have had Osama Bin Laden imprisoned, but decided against it, because he didn't seem to pose a threat in the near future? Clinton. Why didn't he put Osama in prison, to avoid more disagreement in the Middle East upon the U.S. Does anybody really give a flying fuck what those bastards think, umm... no, but the second the blind side us for no reason, is a definite cause to fight back, why do people not look at it like that. We were attacked, find the bastard who did it by going through there allies. To kill a snake, chop off the head, if the head is hiding start from the end and work your way up. Shitty analogy but I got my point across.

Bush would also have lost that had the supreme court not stopped Gore's lawsuit urging for a recount in Florida... I mean jeez, this stuff happened less than 2 years ago and already people have forgotten.

It was three years ago, and you bring up people forgetting, I think you need to have your head examined. Also, if you don't like the fact that we support Middle Eastern Nations, because we buy our fuel from them, stop buying gas you fucktard. Another thing we wouldn't have to buy gas from there if fucking dumb ass liberals didn't care about a fuckin' penguin in Alaska more than the price of gas. If we drilled Alaska we wouldn't have to import very much oil from the Middle East, but the bastards in the EPA and ACLU, all liberals or democrats, for retards like you, don't want to hurt the little penguins that are located in all other tundra regions.
Hey, I didn't insult you.. I'm just expressing my viewpoints... I respect yours, why can't you respect mine? There are no penguins in Alaska, btw.. they are native to the southern hemisphere.

Another thing we wouldn't have to buy gas from there if fucking dumb ass liberals didn't care about a fuckin' penguin in Alaska more than the price of gas.

The price of crude has nothing to do with gas prices, the price of crude by the barrel hasn't gone past the mark set in 1981; in fact, the price has dropped since that high. Blame the greedy corporations for gas prices, not the middle east.
Originally posted by CRX-YEM@Sep 18 2003, 11:39 PM
and for most of your replies this is the reason the US is going to shit right now.

do any of you pay attention to the economy, and historically any president who has been in term during a war has been re-elected, mostly because people are just so proud of their president for bombing the shit out of 3rd world countries.

I take it you forgot about Kosovo already. Clinton has blood on his hands too. Also on the issue of infidelity to his wife, :gives: , the real issue was the lack of character he demonstrated by lying to the American Public.
Hey, I didn't insult you.. I'm just expressing my viewpoints... I respect yours, why can't you respect mine?

I apologize, I just get heated over the issue, every time I think about Sept. 11, it pisses me off. Also I had a rough day, so that kinda went into there as well.
Originally posted by jiahanhao@Sep 25 2003, 01:00 AM
no harm done... now lets talk about something everyone can agree upon... like cars :blink:

I like Camaros. I bet we won't agree on that like. :D :thumbsup: