check out what i found

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The only thing funnier than the price is the VIN number...did anyone else catch that?

VIN: BC7094936

dayam that car is old.
cool, but my friend has that exact same car, and its in mint condition too..even the engine bay. he owns a stereo shop and keeps it just for sentimental value. he bought it new back in 1979! ...yea my friends are old. hell, im old! :)
this car is older than most people on this board... and if you figure out the milage its only been driven 1305 miles/year LMAO i do that in about 3 1/2 weeks
Originally posted by E_SolSi@Dec 23 2002, 04:51 AM
this car is older than most people on this board... and if you figure out the milage its only been driven 1305 miles/year LMAO i do that in about 3 1/2 weeks

<-------7 years younger

He could probally get the 4500 if it had a good paint job, but he says it needs a new one.
5 years older then me
personally i wouldnt swap a h22 into that, it is just morally wrong that thing is just about history (not history as in dead gone no more), dont want to destory history
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Dec 23 2002, 11:40 AM
holy fuck it wont fit problems

Got that issue solved
lol umm i still would pass on the swap, just for today nah i will just pass thanx anyway
The car only needed a couple things to make it like new again. The biggest thing was a new paint job. The paint was faded by the weather and age. I had the car completely repainted with base coat/ clear coat in the orginial white color.

the only thing the car needs is a rubber bumper peice on the back

<---- 2 years older than the car :)

the top car on this page has a 2.2 in it :)

and heres another idea of something to do with one of these hehehehehe

off road civic y0! :werd:
that page is cool! i got to tell my friend about that.

i like this one. 300hp!! top speed of 150mph! that thing weighs like half of a crx too.

Originally posted by E_SolSi@Dec 23 2002, 09:51 PM
and heres another idea of something to do with one of these hehehehehe

off road civic y0! :werd:

I would like to run over some SUV's with that thing, "revenge of the civic"
Originally posted by asmallsol@Dec 24 2002, 12:25 AM
I would like to run over some SUV's with that thing, "revenge of the civic"

LMAO ... hell yeah!! :lol: :lol:
i bought my first civic, it was an 83, for 250 and had the interior reupholstered with grey tweed for like 200. it was so pimp. i sold it for 500.