check this out-- crazy climbing vid

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looks like a demo reel for someone trying to get into stunt work
thats pretty sick
Whoa...that dude had to of been on some X for some of those stunts lol.
As the title suggests, this is a sport called "Le parkour".

These guys are the fittest athletes in the world, and their sport is jumping and freestyling from intense heights and distances.
My friend and I do shit like that all the time, without random backflips down stairways. We find different places (houses, colleges, buildings, etc) and find a way to get up there.
back in the day me and my boys had something like this but wed call it freestyle walkin. wed jump off shit grab on leg throw a spin in there with a lil can can and hope to land on our feet. and i still walk around lookin for shit to jump off of.
that is some CRAZY ASS SHIT. I can do a wall run and back flip, but thats the only thing in there that i can do. Guys are insane....but it looks like a hella lot of fun. Dude was pullin his body up like it was NOTHING!!!

just doing some search, i came up with this...kinda an explination.