Christian Convert To Die

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lol@ osama icon :p

i watched this on the news while i was waiting at suby this after noon (15k service)

so freakin lame. religion sucks. lol
yeah... i saw that shit earlier while at DD.
And people say that we took over and we're building an empire.. .ahahahaha

See that ? The proof is there everyday.
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Religion of peace !


wheres the peace?

Where's the peace in most religions? Christians have put "heretics" and "savages" to death more times than can be historically documented. This is no different, just another religion doing the killing.
Yes it IS different - the other religions STOPPED doing it. If Islam stops doing it, then yes - it will be a religion of peace.

Until then, it's a fucking ridiculous culture of shit and blood and knives and suffering where women and children are routinely abused to a point where their mind no longer functions properly. they are violent and sadistic.

Mohammed eats pork but only after he fucks it.
Raoulf, who is a member of the country's main Islamic organization,..."Cut off his head!" he exclaimed, sitting in a courtyard outside Herati Mosque. "We will call on the people to pull him into pieces so there's nothing left."

wow those people are crazy....the missing link has been under our noses all this time.....idiots
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Yes it IS different - the other religions STOPPED doing it. If Islam stops doing it, then yes - it will be a religion of peace.

Until then, it's a fucking ridiculous culture of shit and blood and knives and suffering where women and children are routinely abused to a point where their mind no longer functions properly. they are violent and sadistic.

Mohammed eats pork but only after he fucks it.

Christians haven't stopped killing people. You're delusional to think so.

Yes, Islam *IS* pretty goddamn violent. That's not being argued. When I read your schpeel about 'shit and blood and women and children routinely abused' and so on and so forth, it sounded a LOT like areas of the US.

Battered women, beaten children. You see it on the news every day. Problem is there's no religion driving us to do that, and that is a scary fucking thought.

We are a violent species, that's all there is to it.
The mirror has two faces. I think that overall the human race is good. I think that America is the best the world has to offer - And it's getting better very fast. (On a historical timeline, the US is fast to grow and to change)

If any other country in the world - including Canada - had our military might they would be conquering countries left and right. We are quiet and reserved.
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The mirror has two faces. I think that overall the human race is good. I think that America is the best the world has to offer - And it's getting better very fast. (On a historical timeline, the US is fast to grow and to change)

The human race as a whole is savage. As a community with laws that are abided, the human race is capable of many good things. But without that community and those laws as a keystone, it all falls apart in a bloody mess (look at New Orleans... even Americans are capable of savage acts of violence). For the better part of three and a half billion years, life on this planet has fought for two reasons: survival and reaching the top of the food chain. That doesn't dissappear overnight.

If any other country in the world - including Canada - had our military might they would be conquering countries left and right. We are quiet and reserved.

Being on the top of the ladder will do that. Besides, I don't think Canada would do anything. A "War for Beer"? Well, it could work.
They would invade Turkey. "We're callin it CHICKEN!" (Funny comedy thing by someone else.. forget who)

Anyway, As far as being savages I totally disagree. The Middle East is savage, Most of Africa is savage. In a civilized culture there will always be murder and crimes, And sometimes it's deserved (Some people just need killin'!)

We are not savages. We have charity, business and infrastructure. Islamic areas lack this - they take anything they can get from foreign sources and just buy buy buy with oil money.

And about New Orleans - it was savage way before the floods. It still is. You see that place ? They haven't even BEGUN to pick up the fuckin mess ! A week after a tornado rips through Kansas, the place is picked up, new houses are being built and lives continue. But not the gimme-gimme-gimme Haitian community, NO. they were criminals, they didn't live under US laws (They lived under that fucked up French law) and mostly declared themselves better and thus seperate from America.

And they are definately different than America.
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Christians haven't stopped killing people. You're delusional to think so.

Yes, Islam *IS* pretty goddamn violent. That's not being argued. When I read your schpeel about 'shit and blood and women and children routinely abused' and so on and so forth, it sounded a LOT like areas of the US.

Battered women, beaten children. You see it on the news every day. Problem is there's no religion driving us to do that, and that is a scary fucking thought.

We are a violent species, that's all there is to it.

Christian's killing people? define your version of Christianity, and cite specific examples of where this is happening today. If you want to talk about the idiots in this country who go gay bashing, the women and men who take the lives of their children in the name of 'christianity', etc... be my guest, but please note that these people are defaming the faith and Christianity in which they claim to believe. It makes me truly sad to see things like that happening, myself being a Christian.

Islam is violent, because their holy scriptures command it. They are not going against their faith by offing a few few infidels; they are working their way to some version of heaven they believe in, and killing people that convert out of Islam puts more stripes on their 'good Islamic' jackets (a poor excuse for a metaphor, I know).

Religion, regardless of which one, does not eliminate the human nature, the selfishness, the hatred, the maleficence we are all capable of containing.

I have seen Christian's act in very unChristian ways; I have been there myself. But to not have a moral compass guiding you, that is a truly terrible thing, and the result can be seen everyday on the evening news.
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Christian's killing people? define your version of Christianity, and cite specific examples of where this is happening today. If you want to talk about the idiots in this country who go gay bashing, the women and men who take the lives of their children in the name of 'christianity', etc... be my guest, but please note that these people are defaming the faith and Christianity in which they claim to believe. It makes me truly sad to see things like that happening, myself being a Christian.

Then do something about it. If it is so sad and defames your religion then do something. Tell the Falwells and Robertsons all over to go to hell (no pun intended).

Islam is violent, because their holy scriptures command it. They are not going against their faith by offing a few few infidels; they are working their way to some version of heaven they believe in, and killing people that convert out of Islam puts more stripes on their 'good Islamic' jackets (a poor excuse for a metaphor, I know).

And Christians throughout time have slaughtered hundreds of thousands because their holy leaders (mainly Mister Toppemhat, the Pope. Remember, he talks to God.) told them to. Entire cultures were laid to waste because they didn't follow the same holy book.

I'll cite the Mayans as an example again. Wonder why we don't know much about them? Well, mainly because Christians, in an attempt to convert them (as Christians LOVE to do, even today!) destroyed everything related to their culture and religion. There are only six texts left. Six. From a culture that had a mathematical and scientific understanding that we today still don't have.

Yes. Christians slaughtered thousands. And there aint no (as Carlos Mencia put it) Etch-A-Sketch to make that go away.

Religion, regardless of which one, does not eliminate the human nature, the selfishness, the hatred, the maleficence we are all capable of containing.

No it doesn't. Unfortunately people believe it does.

I have seen Christian's act in very unChristian ways; I have been there myself. But to not have a moral compass guiding you, that is a truly terrible thing, and the result can be seen everyday on the evening news.

I have my own moral compass. I am intelligent and free willed enough to be able to take care of that on my own.

In closing, I will concede that I sound extremely harsh towards Christianity. The reason being is that the vast majority of Christians believe their religion to have always been clean, pure and innocent.

Aint true, Bubba. Stop thinking it.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh that was good.

What, don't believe me? Crack a history book.

History Book ? You think that for some reason I have no idea of the Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, the repetitive bouts of religious violence in the name of christ ?

Thanks for the insult, candy-ass. How about YOU crack open a book to peep the facts that these Christian bouts of violence were against the Muslim Hordes, one after the other ? We were at war with them, we will be again.

I'm tired of insulting muslims. I've run out of colorful metaphors. Instead I'll get ready to attack Liberals and their parallel views of the world - They seem to side with Islam more often than not.... All in the efforts of bad-mouthing Bush. Which seems to be the new national past-time.

Bush is a supervillian that sits in a mountain lair and plots the destruction of the world. He directly controls every aspect of life from police brutality, to oil markets, to stock markets, to jobless rates, to homelessness and grades in school - Public and Private. He has mind control, and he controls the weather. He created the storms in the gulf of mexico and he created the conflicts in the Middle East Gulf. He's is alone responsible for everything wrong.

Crack open a book he says.

You are slamming Christianity in a thread about a guy that is getting killed by Muslims for converting.

Now I'm getting angry.

You side with these people - When this guy is going to be KILLED in the name of Sharia law, all you and the liberals like you do is start bitching about how violent... Christianity is ? That's no goddam answer ! Islam is a violent, disease of religious filth and there is no defending it. Quite honestly the idea of defending it is a great way to poke your stinky little finger in the eye of this guy who is willing to die for his "crime". He isn't turning away God to save himself. He stands in the garden before his death, steadfast of his resolve that Islam is the wrong choice.

I do believe he and Jesus have something in common.