Civic 02 Sedan 1.7

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New Member
Im sry if im putting this in the wrong thread, but i need some info
maybe someone can help.

Im changing the timing belt, water pump, crank shaft and cam shaft seals.
Does anyone have the torque specifications for a Honda Civic 1.7 2002 sedan, for anyone of these above.

HANES or CHILTON manual would have the torque specs for you. Oh and your in the right section. One of these manuals would be of extreme assistance during disassembly and reassembly. Just a thought.
I second that.. you should def. have a service manual if you haven't done that type of job before messing up a timing belt has serious consequences on a Honda..
I think he might have been a one-post wonder. Used us for an answer and then bounced....I feel so violated.
LoL at least we didn't give him the real answers for free I have them here somewhere..

gotta make people help themselves :)
$70 isn't chump change for something you may only use a couple times.....wait ...<<< says the guy that has a PS3 that hasn't been turned on in lik 2 months.