Conficker ?

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i've been patching all client systems for two days because of this. almost done :thumbsup:
i've been patching all client systems for two days because of this. almost done :thumbsup:

Same here, well I am the evil task master making sure our IT shop is getting it done. Folks are collectively shitting bricks at work. Mainly because of all of the medical equipment on our network.
It's all over /b/, they believe its just another way for someone to trick people into deleting system32. but from what I hear its global. only one thing to do. Sit, wait and see. I'm going to be pissed if my lap top gets erased.
The conservative estimate of infected machines is around 10mil, I would guess its closer to 12 or 13. It could be a big hoax or simply send out a massive amount of spam. Or it could be the coming of Skynet! I for one, welcome our robot overlords!
Files all backed up.
System fully updated.
AntiVirus, Firewalls, and scans constantly performed.

I should be muy bueno. Damn you Macs and being an exception to the rules again!!!
so, there's like no details on what it is?

is it an exe i have to open?

Negative, its a worm. McAfee has a scanner/scrub tool out right now. It is on its 4th version and is supposed to report back to the mother ship April 1. There are various theory's as to what the controller of the botnet is going to do with it.


If your machine didnt get the MS auto patch for March you are probably infected. Just a little FYI.
Nice April Fools day HS - I was a bit worried when I couldn't click the link. lol.
i fucked it all up. didn't have enought time to plan it out good.

my original april fools day joke bombed on me at 11:30. i totally overlooked something involving cookies which made it not do-able.

and this thing, if you saw it, remember it, cuz few did. its gone and off for good. its screwed up, and i'm tired of messing with it already for just a joke. lol too much work.

ohh well,
i fucked it all up. didn't have enought time to plan it out good.

my original april fools day joke bombed on me at 11:30. i totally overlooked something involving cookies which made it not do-able.

and this thing, if you saw it, remember it, cuz few did. its gone and off for good. its screwed up, and i'm tired of messing with it already for just a joke. lol too much work.

ohh well,

*pats your back*
It was worth the attempt - for what its worth, I freaked out a bit :p
Well, my laptop is in sleep mode, and i wont be putting it back online until i at least back up my porn folder.
its the only thing i care about.
The conservative estimate of infected machines is around 10mil, I would guess its closer to 12 or 13. It could be a big hoax or simply send out a massive amount of spam. Or it could be the coming of Skynet! I for one, welcome our robot overlords!
yea, last night i was joking with my cousin, and I said in an ominous tone "Judgment day came April 1st 2009...."

seriously though, there's already a skynet in my area. it's like an ISP for people who live in the boonies. there's ads out on the county roads.
and what did B do? the link i posted is from yahoo and it goes to a real story