d16a6 engine help

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hello honda nation! i have recently acquired a 90si hatch. its clean in and out, only problem is it has a hole in the block. i dont know too much about honda blocks, so im aiming to get some help about which block i can match up with the a6 head, assuming i cant find another a6 block. i look forward to learning from you all. ive tried other forums and websites, but i cant seem to get a straight answer. any help would be nice, thanx!
hello honda nation! i have recently acquired a 90si hatch. its clean in and out, only problem is it has a hole in the block. i dont know too much about honda blocks, so im aiming to get some help about which block i can match up with the a6 head, assuming i cant find another a6 block. i look forward to learning from you all. ive tried other forums and websites, but i cant seem to get a straight answer. any help would be nice, thanx!
hello honda nation! i have recently acquired a 90si hatch. its clean in and out, only problem is it has a hole in the block. i dont know too much about honda blocks, so im aiming to get some help about which block i can match up with the a6 head, assuming i cant find another a6 block. i look forward to learning from you all. ive tried other forums and websites, but i cant seem to get a straight answer. any help would be nice, thanx!
hello honda nation! i have recently acquired a 90si hatch. its clean in and out, only problem is it has a hole in the block. i dont know too much about honda blocks, so im aiming to get some help about which block i can match up with the a6 head, assuming i cant find another a6 block. i look forward to learning from you all. ive tried other forums and websites, but i cant seem to get a straight answer. any help would be nice, thanx!
ok, so i can put almost any d block on my a6 head, are there any further modifications needed? i saw a d15b7 engine in the junkyard. will that block fit without modification. will it bolt right up, or do i need parts from the d15?
d15b7 isnt vtec yet so im pretty sure your a6 head is vtec right????? but yea you can use and block for the a6 head, its better to use a z6 block cause its already vtec ready so
Yes, you should be able to use the D15B7 block. Just swap over all the hardware from your A6 block- especially the crank pulley.
ok cool, ill give it a shot. ill let u know how it goes lol trial and error right