d16z6 in a 99ex problem

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i recently swaped a z6 into my 99ex, got the car to idle and it stratrt right up, used my 99 ex harness and ecu, swaped my y8 manifold and dizzy to the z6, car hesitates and its lag until 4500 rpm and when i give it gas it smokes light blue sometimes white. what can it be?i need help thanx
You're using the wrong ECU.

Or your engine needs piston rings, valves, and the cams looked at.
Sounds like something wrong with your motor. Also the 99 manifold will have a big ass vacuum leak on that head There's a way to fix it ill post a link once i find it.
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But instead of welding the holes i got some allen head screws At a hardware Store to plug them off.